Autism/Learning difficulty

By cate hartman •
Am moving to Doha next March to join my husband and would be most grateful for any information regarding provision for individuals with ASC/LD/ which is the area I currently work in,(mainly teens at pre-university stage.) I would be happy to volunteer somewhere as we do not have dependent children and I don't just want to stay at home all day! I have been on an extended visit to Qatar and have been unable to find anything out whilst I was actually in the country.
Thank you, in anticipation!
I hope this finds you well
I know of a center foe special needs children called OMEGA CENTER FOR SPECIAL NEEDS. You can find them on
Their contact details are as follows:
PHONE + 974 4451 3210
MOBILE: + 974 5563 9713
You will find this particular place very rewarding not only to you as a person but to the hearts and lives your service will touch.
Good luck
Pls contact Step by step centre for special needs when you are here.
Thank you so much for the information Osama, I wish I had tried this site first it would have saved me a lot of trouble! I shall contact them asap.
Qatar autism center & special needs