Attestation lobby

I wonder why this attestation procedure of education certificates is still kept so primitive. Now there is internet and you can easily log the qualification details of all graduates of any university in the world for verification. Why attestation is still required by stamping from a hundred places starting from your home country. Where is space on the certificate backside for stamping seals of all GCC countries you visit? And of course there is the additional risk of certificates being mishandled and damaged or even lost. Also I have heard some agencies using fake seals. Despite all this there are any number of people working with fake certificates. If the details are logged into the internet this practice could be eradicated. Why this is not still done? Is the attestation lobby behind it?
there is nothing lobbying, why you giving to unautherised agents for that. it is 100% government bodies doing,,,,you can aproch directly to them. for example if you need to do postgratuate you should pass undergratuation,,is it right...? same way you can approch concered ministires directly immidiate after you got your certificate if you are willing to apply for a job in other country and after go to concered forien embasy and bring that to where you travel, it is coast efective and very conveinence and please don't blame govenrment for your ignorance.