Hi Friends,
I have worked in Qatar for 1.5 years in a Company and decided to resign as there were too many complications with the management.
Now company says they will not pay me the air ticket because i resigned from my duty and they did not terminate me. Also they are only paying me the basic salary of my annual leave without the HRA which is half of my salary.
I have served one month notice period after my resignation. Also the company made me wait here in qatar for 1 week after my last working day to cancel my Visa without salary and saying they will pay my settlement after i go back to my country..
Can anyone help me if these are the labor law, not giving air ticket for return journey if an employee resign and company will only pay basic of the annual leave?
As the others have suggested , first make sure that they are not in the right by reading your contract.. If you still feel aggrieved, then go to the labour court..
Don't go back to your Country until & unless you got paid your full final settlement dues . If needed take help from your embassy especially from labor department. I learned they are very helpful.
Read your contract first. If the company would pay the return ticket on the completion of the contract and you have not done that, then I guess you will need to bear the cost of the return ticket. As for sending you the settlement to your country, this is all nonsense. Rest assured they never will. It is better for your to take your dues before you leave even if you are forced to take assistance of the Labour Office.
Check your contract. May be they are right do deny you the return ticket upon resignation. Also why will they pay you the HRA, if you are only en-cashing your annual leave? I think your company is doing right.
go to labour department and complaint against them...this is a serious issue...teach them a lesson.
try to call 33292379 in working hours, its Community Police Hotline.. you can discuss your issue without any hesitation, they will guide you & resolve your issue honestly & promptly.