Career Goals to Achieve in 2022

As per tradition, a new year means a new way of life for many. This year, we are focusing on career and personal growth and giving our QL family a round-up on making 2022 the year that you witness personal improvement at your workplace
Introduce 5 Things to Stay Healthier at Work
With weight loss being one of the most common resolutions, we decided on a lifestyle adjustment compared to your usual gym-membership fiasco. Pick and choose the easiest possible option for yourself! It could be meal prep for work, it would be a post-it on your screen to fix your posture, or it could be an alarm to take a brisk walk or stretch every 45 minutes. It’s the little changes that eventually become habits!
Learn a New Skill
If you’re well into your career or even at a mid-career level, more than often you will feel a little burned out or the routine might get monotonous. Learning a new skill this year will not only add to your CV but will also help your creative juices flow and allow you to stay up-to-date at your workplace! QL team is looking into graphics and animations this year and we couldn’t be more excited about it.
Find a Work Mentor
Workplace competition is healthy but learning from a peer is even healthier. Office hierarchy can be very beneficial for many and you just need to scout your mentor in the crowd. It’s a good 5-year plan clause and you are always going to know where you’re headed. A mentor can change your life and having someone at work just makes it better.
Maintaining Work-Life Balance
We cannot stress this enough. It’s time to unplug and it's time to be creative. A work-life balance helps you freshen up your mind, attitude and generally motivates you to come back to the grind with new perspectives. If you’re planning on being more efficient, this is the first thing you should work on!
Get a Professional Certification
Professional certification is a stamp of approval from employers everywhere. This is an added benefit for your career and it's always a step up. People do not realize that companies are looking for employees who are constantly evolving and learning. Adding a certification will only be beneficial for you in the long run and even help pick you up a new path!
Attend One Professional Networking Event
This year, promise yourself to get out there. Having colleagues and training is one thing and attending events is another – make sure you’re attending at least one professional networking event outside work where you are getting to meet and learn from people outside your circle. If you’re more comfortable with keeping it within the company, that is also a good idea – as long as it was not made mandatory by them!
Improve Your LinkedIn Profile
It's the digital era, everyone! Keeping your LinkedIn profile updated is one thing and improving it is another. Make sure you analyze your growth and can eloquently get your duties across on your profile. It’s always good to see people interact on this platform and to make sure that your credentials are always out there for potential employers to see!
Have you decided on what is going to be on your list of resolutions this year? Drop a comment below so we can get more ideas!
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