Should i move to Qatar ?

Hi there,
I'm a single guy from Turkey. Recently got a job offer from Doha as Category Manager. I'm Turkish and capable of speaking/writing two more languages efficiently ( english and french)
I still haven't decided to accept or not. If i accept, only reason would be saving up money for a sound engineering school in London.
The conditions ive been offered are as below:
Basic Salary : 8250 QAR
Transportation : 1750 QAR
Accomodation : 3000 QAR
Company will provide SIM Card
One plane ticket home every year ( me only )
1-) How much do you think i can save in a year ?
2-) Would i get a "good" accomodation with high-speed internet for 3000 QAR in Doha ?
3-) Are there any place for expats like me to socialise ?
4-) Are there any music scene in Doha ?
5-) Are there any cheap entertainment possibilities ?
6-) Is Qatar stable at the moment ? ( considering all sanctions and blockages)
7-) Is it "fun" there ?
Again, My main emphasis would be saving up money. So i'll be there only for the USD's . maybe 1.000-1.200 USD's a month.
Here is an answer to your queries:
1) You will find a single room independent accommodation around QR 2000 per month. If you decide to share a room with someone as many people do here, the cost will be halved. The accommodations usually have internet facilities but alternatively you can have one installed. Food will cost you around QR 600 per month if you cook or QR 1000 should you decide to eat outside. Keep another QR 500 for miscellaneous expenses.
2) Refer to answer above.
3) I do not know of any places where one can can socialize but there are many Turkish people living in Doha and may be there exists some place to socialize which I am not aware of.
4) I have so far not come across any place where there is music and dancing taking place. Five-start hotels may have this facility available.
5) You can see movies in cinema halls.
6) Qatar is very stable and all the blockages have had no affect on the country. In fact, Qatar has emerged stronger as a result of these blockages.
7) The "fun" you have in mind and are looking for as I understand it, may lead you to much disappointment.
Trust this satisfies your queries.