Petroleum and natural gas are Qatar's two major exports

We're counting down the days to Qatar National Day 2015 by listing some interesting facts about Qatar. Here's the first of ten in the series. Look out for the rest in the days to come.
Qatar is prepping up to celebrate its National Day in style. While parades and fireworks will keep us entertained and flags and banners will reveal our patriotism, here’s some food for thought about the wealth of this country.
More than 70% of the government’s income is derived from Petroleum and Natural Gas. More than 60% of gross domestic product, and roughly 85% of export earnings of Qatar is derived from none other than exporting Petrol and natural gas.
In fact, Oil has made the country so rich that it’s per capita GDP is one of the highest in the world.
All of this began in 1939. Qatar was once a poor fishing country that also dealt in pearls. However, in 1939 the first oil exploration began, and since then there has been no turning back in the development and wealth of the country.
Also, while petroleum will not always remain at peak levels, the country has found another way to keep its economy stable. Large natural gas reserves have been located off Qatar's northeast coast. Qatar's proved reserves of gas are the third-largest in the world, exceeding 7000 km³ (250 trillion cubic feet).
Hence, Qatar did strike a huge pot of gold when it discovered petrol and natural gas in its lands.
Thoughts? Comment below! We will have another interesting post about Qatar tomorrow so look out for it in this forum.
The legend is true...the emporium exists...
reading these everyday one might even wonder if the lungi guy really have a karak emporium
But the Karak wll become cold as ice in Rizks' tuk tuk. It will spoil the fun!
i can just imagine a team of highly skilled bodyshop techs working on the fake scoop while the kia sits there in all her pink gleaming glory...bring on the tuk-tuk, some much needed contrast to the flame spitting landcruisers...
mohdata: The Pink Kia is currently having a new fake air scoop fitted, so we'll be using Rizks' Tuk-Tuk for the parade...
Well done Qatar. Well done to the Leaders for having the foresight to diversify for long term sustainability
oh thanks, i thought it was tomatoes and potatoes...
just kidding, god bless qatar and my car will be decked out in the qatari colors roof to rim come 18th december :-)
any problem?