Residency status

Hi everyone, I need some help and advise...
Im married to Qatari and applied for divorce, he applied for my citizen 2 years ago but we are married 10years and have 2kids. My husband cancelled my residency. And i live in Uk but want to live in Qatar for the kids future. I don't know what is my situation as I won't be able to bring my kids to Qatar and how my life would be from legal side
please let me know if you have any ideas
Well it is only if I’m not Muslim or bad Muslim or remarried then yes otherwise no kids stays with me
Did you know that according to the Shariah law, after divorce, the children legally are under the father's custody.
I would suggest you to be wise or else you could lose the custody of your children as well.
Even that I have Qatari children?
Even thou that I have Qatari children
Since he is a Qatari, he will have everything on his side, even the law. Possibly, he may have had the application for your citizenship cancelled by now. Also, he many have already taken another wife.
You have very little chance of returning to Qatar under the present situation. You should plan on to stay back in your home country.