Wrong Nationality in QID

By MusafirQAT •
Dear Friends,
My child born here in Qatar. When I apply for the QID, then I got the QID with wrong Nationality even in the Passport & Birth Certificate it was correct. Then I visited the immigration & the nationality got changed & issued a new QID. But the QID number is same like the wrong Nationality.
Now, my office is not accepting the QID for the child with wrong Nationality Code in the QID number. But according to the immigration office, once the QID issued then the QID number can't be change.
Kindly advise the possiblities the change the QID Number reflecting the correct nationality CODE in the QID.
Thank you so much brothers for your advises.
My company accepted the QID with the wrong Nationality number finally.
No .it's not a solution, because when you apply for a new RP the QId number will remain the same. Even he came back with any other nationality. Even when he came back to Qatar after 20 years also the same QID number.
Why your company makes things complicated?, it is a normal thing. I know lot of expertise carring a Qid number different from nationality that carring in thier QID.
Hmm...complicated situation.
How about cancelling the child's RP, exit country and apply for new RP. Will this be a possible solution?
pioneerpec: My apologies. You are right. While posting I got all jumbled up on the query. I have gone through the original post once again, and agree that the QID number cannot be changed. The people in the office should understand this and be flexible.
Ha! Ha! You compared me to Molten Metal! Ha! Ha!
Acchabaccha ...again you have become a MM this time...
What do you mean " information could get corrected without changing over to a new ID number."
This statement is full nonsense ...
coz Qatar ID is full of information.
Here’s how to read and understand your Qatar ID Number:
1st Digit:
2 means you were born in a year between 1900 to 1999; 3 means you were born in a year from 2000 onward.
2nd and 3rd Digits: Last two numbers of your year of birth.
4th , 5th and 6th Digits: ISO Country Code of where you’re from. Eg: 356 = India
Remaining digits: Your sequence on the number of people from your country on the same birth year that entered Qatar.
For example, with ID number 29035600126; it means you were born before 2000 and in 1990 and belong to country 356 (India), and you are the 126th indian that were able to obtain Qatar Residency Permit belonging to that year of birth.
The person who asked the question is having issues now because his 4th , 5th and 6th Digits are that of the wrong nationality and it cannot be changed as it has been issued already..
Yes, that may be true. However, meeting the captain and explaining things to him may allow for a solution to the issue. The captain may be knowing a way by which the incorrect information could get corrected without changing over to a new ID number.
As Far as I know. QID number cannot be changed. Nationality or any other chnages can be done, But QID number cannot be changed. You need speak to your employer and make them understand and provide them RP with the correct nationality. Hope they Understand.
Go to the immigration office and meet the captain. Explain to him everything with all the difficulties you are facing.. He will help you out. They are very cooperative, understanding and helpful people. It is important for you to get this sorted out now otherwise it will create problems for you in the future also.
Seems impossible to change QID once issued.
No solution..