what is the Age Limit for New born baby for On Arrival From India

I have to bring our baby 5 months old to qatar , i got to know u can use on arrival visa ,on searching on internet got to know there is a age limit of 3 months and few searches also mention about 6 months,please confirm me whether its 6 month or 3 months if anyone has recently tried on arrival for babies..
Jetlight : There is some confusion in these new rules. Few months ago MOI communication said baby can come till 6 months. But recently there is some other news saying it is only 3 months. My baby came in 4 months old, just couple of weeks ago. But my company HR team has helpful in sorting this out. Even they were confused with multiple info from MOI.
6 months probably
In arrival visa
Other visa no restrictions
6 months. You can check on moi twitter account. https://twitter.com/moi_qataren/status/993060647431819266?s=12
Age limit is 3 months for bringing the child in Family R.P...provided both father & mother have valid R.P & mother is under fathers sponsorship.