Travel Plans not confirmed but I am requesting Exit Permit

Hello QLers,
I guess QL is the best to place to get answer to my query. I am planning a short weekend break but not confirmed. Just to avoid last minute arrangements, requesting Exit Permit and but if the plan doesnt mature and I dont travel is there any issue? Hope the question is clear, simple words getting Exit Permit and then not travelling makes any problem?
Waiting for your guidance ... Thanks :-)
not at all...
Thanks very much all of you, thats great help.
Cancelled automatically.
Alright cool, thanks so much for your quick response, as expected :-)
So the exit permit is cancelled automatically if I dont travel or I need to inform my Immigration people to cancel the permit.
Alright cool, thanks so much for your quick response, as expected :-)
So the exit permit is cancelled automatically if I dont travel or I need to inform my Immigration people to cancel the permit.
Go ahead and enjoy the break my pal
There is no issue. Your sponsor can always cancel it