RP Transfer
By rahul_verma •
I have been in Qatar for 2.5 years. I am changing my company now. All my documents are in place. Approved by CEID,Labour but my RP Transfer has been rejected by Immigration . No reason told. Can anybody help me out here?
How many days waiting time for immigration approval? please share your experience of RP transfering
my transfer already approved in the immigration but when my sponsor go immigration for payment transfer and take my new id he told me my sponsor before give me problem as run away what can i do. any suggestion for fast finish this problem? thanks
Hi Rahul, did you get it approved? Mine was also rejected (transfer to father's) is there any way it can be approved? I've already resigned and lived here for almost four years, this can't be happening...
No Guys..Don't count me wrong..I am asking a basic question on "How can I get an appointment with the Captain ?" so that I can understand the reason of rejection considering all my documents are in place..
Any suggestions based upon your experience?
Perhaps he's looking on an illegal way
Verma, You have been asking the same question last two days. Why don't you check with your new company.
All, Any suggestions on how can I clear my sponsorship transfer application and get it approved?
The company which I am moving is a Government Organization and is not Blacklisted. So appreciate advises on how I can get my RP Transfer approved from Immigration ?
this is just a guess, but it is possible the company you are transferring to is blacklisted. They don't approve new visa/sponsorship for this type of companies.
How can I get an appointment with Immigration Captain so that I can get to know reason for my RP Transfer rejection ?
There is no Block on my visa..
How can I get an appointment with the Captain ? Any suggestions ?
It could be anything from a block on visas or giving the job to a local etc etc.. The only option is to make an appointment with The Captain and ask for reason ..
You should ask the new company to send their PRO to find out ..
Hello Turkey, What could be the many reasons for rejection ? Is there any way I can get it approved ?
Go with arabic mandoub
Went to Immigration Office today. They did not tell me the reason. How can I get this sorted out ?
However, it could be that they refuse to tell you the reason. Welcome to Qatar.
We can help. There could be many, many, many reasons. There isn't enough space here. So, it's better to go to the immigration office and ask them for the one reason.
Surely it is best to go to the immigration office and ask them. You will get first hand response.. We would only be guessing