Resignation - Final payment - How much time the Labour court will

I was working More than Four years in Contracting Company. I resigned around two months back still They Didn't approve my resignation letter and They didn't pay last Three-month salary and Final Settlement. If I approach the Qatar Labour court, roughly how much time they will take to solve the case? as per Latest update
Please guide
The new committee headed by a judge in the ministry of labor is officially working now since 4 or 5 days ago, by-law now it has to be a maximum of 1 month time before they issue a judgement regarding labor disputes.
Accha, What is the hurry to post your comment if you 've nothing to say, my pal ?
To my knowledge the information posted is not correct. I believe the Labour Office does the hearing the next working day when both parties need to be present.
90 days approx.