Passport expiry while coming back to Qatar

By arshad_5619 •
I am planning to go vacation to India this month and will be coming back on 23 July but my son passport is due to expire on 25/09/2016. is there any issue with minimum passport vailidity while coming back to Qatar.
thanks for your comments, I am going ahead for vacation hope there will be no issues while coming back.
6 months Passport validity is only required for most embassy to issue Visa. If he already has Visa/QID he can travel on his passport even till last day of validity.
There will be no issues.
sorry for everything
sorry passport
Your passport has a password ?
@Boredman, the password has not expired it is going to expire 2 months after arrival date.
There are no issues since you already have an RP
Check with embassy and be cautious before leave. Embassy may give extension of his passport for one month or a weak so all are safe.
I don't think any immigration office allow you to go abroad with expired passport.
I believe there should be no issues. You can always check with your embassy by giving them a call.