Leaving Qatar

Hello! I would like to get some information and views regarding my situation. I was employed in one of Hotel here in Qatar. I worked with them for few months before my probation I decided to resigned. I resign properly with complete clearance and COE. I booked my ticket and after I got an Job Offer in Dubai instead of flying back my country I decided to cancel the ticket bound to philippines. My ID is already CANCELLED in the system. I went by myself in the Immigration in Airport and confirm how long I can stay in qatar with cancelled visa and they mentioned 30 DAYS.
Now, my employer found out that Im still here in Qatar and threaten to call the police and reported me. My visa bound to dubai is now on process and might be release within next week.
What are the grounds of my employer to sue me since I leave my company properly?
I also have a right to stay for few weeks with cancelled visa as per Qatar Law?
Is there any possibility that my previous employer here stop me for travelling in other country?
Yes, you are right. Just ignore him and his threats. If you legally right in your steps, there is nothing to worry about.
Good luck.
@acchabaccha - thank you so much for this information. I feel relive now. I don't have record of the mobile conversation when he threaten to report to the police. He now send me message thru whatsapp to report to Director of HR and with him however I think I dont need to passby with them becuase Im no longer connected to the company since I properly resigned and process my documents.
No, I don't think so.
Since you have first-hand information from the authorities that you could legally stay in Qatar for up to 30 days after cancellation of visa, you are not breaking the law. As such, you should not be afraid.
Possibly, he is threatening you over the mobile phone. If so record his threat and after you finish talking to him, call him back and tell him his threat has been recorded. Tell him straight that you are not doing anything illegal and that if he threatens you again, you will report the matter to your embassy. Tell him also that you will take the matter to the Human Rights Committee. I guess, that should stop him.
You need to be just be bold lady, that's all.