Issue Return Visit Visa option in Metrash

Hi Guys,
My wife is on Visit visa here under my sponsorship. She will complete her 3 months of stay in qatar in 2 days and i have the option to extend for another 3 months using metrash app. we are leaving to our home country in a weeks time and i want to know the procedure to change her entry as multiple entry. When i try to use the issue return visit visa option in metrash it gives me an option to pay 200 QAR with my wifes current visa, if i pay this amount will this visa be considered as multiple entry . Anyone who has used this option or knowledge about this please give their feedbacks.
Thanks in advance
Dear, I tried issuing a return visit visa but the date of return as shown in my metrash2 page was 25.02.2019 and got skeptical because my mum who is on visit needs to exit for about 10 days and return. Her present visa is valid till June
Enquiry for Return visa applications via Metrash 2 can I apply for return visa for my family before exit . and can come back immediately on the same day? it possible kindly advises.
Hi David Kumar,
If a person is in Qatar only for one month and would like to travel and come to Qatar within this one month then still he need to extend his visa first and then apply for return visa?
My concern is why can't one can go for medical and visa extension once they come back after travelling if they wish to stay more than a month.
You can pay QAR 200 and issue a return visa. However this is not multi-entry visa. Once you issue a return visa, your wife can exit the country and re-enter to Qatar with same visa.
But first, you must extend the visa validity for one more month (QAR 200) and then issue the return visa (another QAR 200).
Once your wife re-enter the country, you can extend the visa for remaining 2 months more (if you are planning to).
One return visa is valid for one exit and entry transaction only. You can issue return visas multiple times as long as the visit visa is valid.
Hope above will help you.