I need advice...Please help!

Hi All,
I have a dilemma regarding my status in Qatar. My ex company gave me release last year, my sponsorship transfer is under process with my current company now, the thing is, it has been a year since my sponsorship transfer is "under process" until my visa has expired this June. (A lot of reasoning from current company's PRO has given to me why it has been delayed, like license renewal, obtaining signature, etc...) I checked my documents on MOI website, it has been submitted since January, but the application is deferred due to payment.
Since my RP is now expired, my ex company has filed a case on CID and I have to pay a fine of QR6000 (even though I am not at fault at this!) Now my PRO from my current company said that I need to clear the case so he can proceed with the transfer (which wouldn't get this far if he just processed my paper immediately!) So I went to speak with my ex company's sponsor and asked him to please clear the case so my current employer could proceed with the transfer. I have the money to pay the fine, I just need my ex company to withdraw the case they filed against me. But now my sponsor said that they will only withdraw the case if I come back and work for them! I dont want to work for them as they didnt pay me salary for 3 months before, also, I am getting more salary and a stable job with the current employer. (It's just that our PRO is lazy AF).
My ex company's sponsor is saying that he is not forcing me to work for him, that is only his "condition" in exchange of clearing my case! What the?! I already made clear to him that I dont want to work for him! He is using his"condition" to 'force' me to work for him!
What do I need to do? Please help me.
While the onus seems to be on your new Mandoob, you also have been partly responsible for waiting so long and not finding alternative ways, that you are trying to find now.
You have virtually been playing in the hands of Mandoob. If this is the work style of your new company, then what is the job future in that, you got to analyze.
Pick up the telephone and call your boss, tell him your story. And there must be a local sponsor of your new company as well.
Equinox, you got it all mixed up....I am no longer in contact with my ex company's mandoob, I spoke directly with the sponsor, he told me that he will only withdraw the case if I come back to his company and work for him, which I clearly have said NO due to my traumatic experiences with his company.
My current company's PRO is the one who has been lazy that took him one year to process my sponsorship transfer until it expires. I have given all the required documents for transfer since august of 2015, he submitted it to MoI on january 2016, and it was just pending due to payment. Though my company has given our PRO the money to process my transfer but no one knows what he has been doing....he is acting like the "Boss" since our MD is based overseas.
Now, I am the one who is faced with all this trouble, even if I didnt do anything wrong!
That's the way forward for you my pal as Equi has told you ...............
All this mess is only due to the act of your previous manboob, and you are still dealing through hi- - - strange.
Your sponsor is NOT that mean, you only need to meet directly with the sponsor, tell him the truth, and he would settle your problem without further wastage of time.
You can request him to withdraw the case, renew your RP, and give you the release, after that handover all those papers to your new mandoob, that is all for quick action.
Move very wisely from here ............. My prayers are with you .................
I went to NHRC in Muntazah, he just told me that I have 2 options..1st, he said that my sponsor is not forcing me to work for him but is only giving his "condition" for him to clear the case, so that is my option 1, go back and work for him.
Or, option two is go to cid surrender, pay the fine but he dont know the procedure in Cid so he couldnt give me a clear vision on whats the next step there
Dear Sir,
Before wasting any time report to National Human Rights Committee (NHRC) along with the relevant documents to put forward your issue.
Location: 25°20'04.2"N 51°29'11.9"E Al Markhiya St, After Dahl Al Hamam Park signal, Road from Landmark Shopping Mall to University Road(Al Jamiaa Street)
Now NHCR is under Ministry of Interior therefore police is managing it. They will call your company owner to report to them. If problem is not solved at their end then they will escalate it to Labour court.
For lawyer, try with;
Dr. Nizar Kochery,
Kochery & Partners
Office 20 B,13th Floor, Al Mana Business Tower
Opp Toys R Us, C-Ring Road
M: +974-55813105
T: +974 4450 1063
Sheen Services WLL