How often can I renew my visa

By expatriate games •
Hello all. I came to Qatar in November on a visitor visa, after my 30 days were up I went to the Passport control near the airport and paid to have it extended for 30 more days. I was wondering does anyone know if I can extend one more time or do I have to fly out of the country? I'm currently in negotiations with a local employer and really don't want to fly out of the country just to fly back in. Any guidance would be great. Thank you in advance.
I guess that was possibly because your visa had already expired.
Well I had to pay a fine for one day and I have to fly out today and come back in. I was only allowed to extend that one time.
Thank you much.
You can extend a visit visa for a total of six months after paying the required fee. You could do it in one go or on an month to month basis.