Holding two resident Permits in Qatar & UAE
I am working in Qatar for the past 4 years, My id will expire on August 2017, I got an offer from a company in Qatar itself but I can't cancel my visa bcoz it's a typical Indian company they'll not cancel my visa immediately they'll take six months minimum in that time I may loose my new offer, in the same time my new employer advised me to go for a vacation to india then they will send me a visa from their UAE head office from their they want me to come to Qatar via On arrival visa. I want to know it's practically possible or any other way is there to work in Qatar.
This cant be a advise from a company. They cant play on your life.
You can not ride in two cars at the same time my pal ............ ..........
This is not possible unless his current Qatar residence visa is cancel or expired. Every time he enters Qatar immigration will only recognize his Qatar valid residence visa and will not stamp another on arrival or issue any other type of visas and it will become illegal for him to work in Qatar with another company then his RP sponsor company.