Do the traveler has to show return ticket dated within one month?

By suhailtholakkal •
Dear Forum members,
Do the traveler has to show return ticket dated within one month while travelling from India to Qatar on Family visit visa.As you know ,the initial duration for family visit visa in Qatar is for one month.But it can be extended up to 5 months after family member is arrived here.I am planning to book a return flight ticket after 5 months,will the indian immigration department allow to travel my family member using this return ticket or the return ticket should be dated within one month?.Please share with me your experience if you have gone through such a situation.
Dear iswariya,
You are always welcome.
Sheen Services WLL
thank you mr.sheen services ...
Dear iswariya,
Better to apply after 7 working days.
Sheen Services WLL
thanks. how many days after we can apply visit visa after exit now a days rules changed we heard
Dear iswariya,
Obliged for your prayers for us.
The fees is Qr. 200 per month.
Sheen Services WLL
u r a helpful guide for all... thank god ...and u . how much cost of extension of visit visa after 6 months for per month
Dear iswariya,
Apply for extension about two weeks before and the documents required are
1) Application form
2) Photocopy of ID of sponsor
3) Photocopy of visa page of visitor.
Sheen Services WLL
thanks a lot Mr. sheen service then when we have to apply if it gng to expire by end of Aug. wat documents to produce and how much cost
Dear iswariya,
You have to present visa extension application at Immigration center at Gharafa at Building no. 1, Floor no. 1.
Usually the immigration officer accepts application on Monday & Thursday.
Sheen Services WLL
IL tel u clearly Mr. sheen u see for extension beyond 6 months wat s the procedure how much cost
Dear iswariya,
Your query is bit confusing. Can you please call
PRO Services Division
M: +974 - 7020 4280
T: +974 - 4037 7890
E: [email protected]
Sheen Services WLL
dear sheen , after 6 months how to extend so only we are planning to exit and then come . because now we heard we can apply visit visa after exit .plz advice
Dear iswariya,
As visitor is returning in few months then extending is good idea because canceling and purchasing the ticket again is, most of the time is expensive.
Sheen Services WLL
thanks sheen so we should book return ticket after medical v can extend or cancel the ticket which s refundable
Vet: Don't worry, MM usually comes up with untruths and accuses others. Thanks for your input
Dear all,
Our replies are based on our experience we had in dealing different situation in different govt. departments & ministries.
At a times we could be wrong. Please double verify before taking any final decision.
Sheen Services WLL
MM- I am not wrong for I am the one who has been taking tickets for them.Recently, they landed in Doha on 27/06/2016 with visit visas on Oman Air by showing the return ticket dated 23/12/2016 of Gulf Air..
MM- I am not wrong for I am the one who has been taking tickets for them.Recently, they landed in Doha on 27/06/2016 with visit visas on Oman Air by showing the return ticket dated 23/12/2016 of Gulf Air..
Dear iswariya,
vetahmad could also be right but it is very risky as rejection will happen at home country airport therefore at last moment we have to make rectification in return ticket .
Just make a dummy return ticket which can be rectified after landing in Qatar.
Sheen Services WLL
Dear iswariya,
vetahmad could also be right but it is very risky as rejection will happen at home country airport therefore at last moment we have to make rectification in return ticket .
Just make a dummy return ticket which can be rectified after landing in Qatar.
Sheen Services WLL
Dear iswariya,
vetahmad could also be right but it is very risky as rejection will happen at home country airport therefore at last moment we have to make rectification in return ticket .
Just make a dummy return ticket which can be rectified after landing in Qatar.
Sheen Services WLL
hi plz help me I need ur explanation ... I came traveled to qatar by apr 28 in visit visa return date may 24 booked after medical I went for extend the ticket upto oct 25 in emirates they asked 1100 riyal for extension again so v came without extending bexude new ticket is only 1000. .. after tat I came to know dummy ticket for return but no need to pay only service charge ...
Vet is WRONG ................ Wrong vet is ...................
Not mandatory to have a return ticket dated within one month.You can take a return ticket of any date ,but it should be within 6 months.My brother has been doing this for his family members of three for a couple of years.No issue at all in Indian Immigration posts.
Thanks to all for your is much appreciated.
Dear Sir,
As the expiry date on visa is 30 days therefore you have to book return ticket for 30 days but keep it flexi date. When you land in Qatar then extend the ticket date for duration till your visa is extended.
Sheen Services WLL
Agree with Ashok ........................
The return ticket has to be within one month only because the initial validity of visa is for one month only and is extendable only after successfully completing the medical test.
Suhail, Return ticket IS A MUST , It is A MUST for your wife my dear friend, forget immigration rules, what ever a dumb fellow says from behind the counter is A RULE .
Buy a good price ticket with return date , she will NOT be allowed to check in without A RETURN TICKET , the return date can be altered once she reaches here as per her return journey ......... after return planes are in place ........... Pleae buy her a RETURN TICKET two - three days before one one month ...... to shut the greedy mouths of the immigration staff at the airports in India ........... Buy RETURN TICKET ..........
Yes, you need to show the return ticket within one month at immigration department. Please cancel and re-book the ticket once your family is arrived here.
Not required to be within one month. You can also check with any travel agency for further confirmation.
But just wait patiently for three days for one Molten Metal to put in his comments.