Changing on-arrival Visa to Employement / Residence Visa

By SalmanBinShaikh •
Is it posible to change the on-arrival visa that Indians get to a Residence Visa (if a job is found) without leaving the country.
Requesting information fom people who have had similar experience in the same feild.
can you back up your reply with any proofs that it is possible to convert on arrival visa to residence visa?
Salman, Exactly, That is possible.
Accha drives away everybody who is serious on the matter.
He poisons all the topics , for doing wrong he is very particular.
thanks but is there any one who can answer this question in a more serios fashion and not get into arguments?
Salman, Accha blocks the new comers, it is his hobby for the past 7 years. He is jealous and full of fear from the new comers ...........
No, it is not possible. Don't get carried over by the thoughts of some "philosophers" at QL that "everything is possible under the blue sky." The "philosopher" needs to take some lessons in English I guess, as "everything" is one word and not two.
But then, I cannot argue and convince a "philosopher." They are a different breed!
Every thing is possible under the blue sky. You need to follow the proper procedure, my pal .......
Be ready for tough times for the first 3 months ..............