Apply for work visa
Hi I'm waiting for my sponsorship in Qatar to do the visa process,it's about 3 months since I've been waiting.
As far as I know the visa application has been declined first time and he applied again.( the sponsor needs about ten person for the job and tried to apply for all of us at the same time at first try but didn't managed to get the visa)
I have two questions:
1st: considering first time declined applications ,basically do we have any chance for approval at all?(I'm from Iran unfortunately and there's always some tension about Iranian people because of stupid policies of my country's government.)
2nd: how long a successful working visa approval is gonna take?
Thanks alot guys
Vijay, Be hopeful, one day you will be here. Good luck.
Hi Alex,
I have applied for work visa 3 months back and still waiting on the application to be approved, what was your experience? have you got the visa?
Thanks a lot guys, so you think I have a chance for 2nd time?
As you said "stupid policies of my country's government" this is the reason why the Visa may have got rejected. Respect the laws of the other countries and have patience hopefully you will get the Visa
Iran is such a beautiful country .............. You be patient .... your sponsor may be busy in other task .............
Your company PRO knows the process and should be able to get the visas the second time round
The time scales vary .. Anything from two days to two weeks