LinkedIn more popular on mobile devices in Qatar

Qatar has been identified as one of the first markets worldwide from where a majority of the members accessed the LinkedIn platform on a mobile device, LinkedIn said yesterday.
The world’s leading professional network on the Internet announced yesterday that that it had reached 300 million members in more than 200 countries and territories.
The company has added more than 23 million members since February 6, this year.
More than half the LinkedIn members in each of the six GCC states access the platform from a mobile device.
Every day, an average of 15 million profile views, 1.45 million job views, and 44,000 job applications in 200 countries are through mobile devices.
“We are proud to be at the forefront of reinventing professional networking. Our adoption in the GCC and broader region reflects the multi-cultural composition of the workforce, and the early adoption of global best-practices among the business and professional community here,” said Ali Matar, Head of Talent Solutions, LinkedIn MENA.
The Peninsula | Image from www.mashable.com