Galaxy Note 7: Retail outlets start refunding customers

Retail mobile outlets across the city have started refunding customers who have bought the new Galaxy Note 7, following a recall announced by the Ministry of Economy and Commerce on Saturday.
Samsung Electronics Company on Friday announced an international recall of its Galaxy Note 7 for potential defects in battery. The product was launched in Qatar about a month ago.
Enquiries with several retail outlets revealed that many customers have approached them for a refund following the ministry announcement. There are also customers who are waiting for fresh stocks to come for a replacement.
All shops confirmed that they have stopped selling the new device and has taken all the stocks from their shelves.
“We sold about 500 pieces of Galaxy Note 7 since it entered the local market. Yesterday we refunded about 25 customers,” a senior official of a leading hypermarket told The Peninsula.
“We aren’t asking people to go the dealers for a refund because most customers would insist to get the money back from where they bought the gadget,” he added.
He said some people may still not be aware of the recall and some customers may have not yet returned from their vacation.
“We’re expecting more customers to come to us seeking a refund in the days to come,” said the official. A salesman from a mobile shop in Airport area said, they have got a lot of phone calls from customers seeking clarification on the recall.
“We sold about 20 pieces of the new device. Customers can seek a refund from our shop or our dealer. So far only one person has come us seeking a refund. However, many people have called asking when fresh stocks will arrive. Maybe they’re waiting for a replacement,” he said.
A very responsible step , we welcome it ......................
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