Qatar’s 2022 FIFA World Cup is a ‘done deal,’ says organiser
Over the last few years, there has been a lot of doubts and apprehensions about whether Qatar will eventually get to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup.
There have been a lot of criticisms in the Western media about various aspects of Qatar’s bid and follow up for the prestigious tournament.
However Hassan Al Thawadi, Secretary General of the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy (SCDL), sounded supremely confident about the country hosting the event.
“The 2022 FIFA World Cup will be held in Qatar, the first in a Middle Eastern, Arab and Muslim country. It’s a done deal,” Al Thawadi was quoted as saying by the Al Sharq newspaper.
There has been many allegations of bribery in the awarding of the 2018 tournament to Russia and the 2022 edition to Qatar. A Swiss legal team is currently investigating the bidding process. But Al Thawadi said Qatar had nothing to fear.
“I am totally confident our file is clean,” he said.
Meanwhile, SCDL reiterated its commitment to delivering stadiums for the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar which are built with sustainability standards which will leave a lasting environmental legacy.
This came as FIFA officially endorsed the use of Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS) for 2022 FIFA World Cup venues at the Green Expo Forum held in Doha.
The World Cup is ours
How long will the same story be rehashed. Blatter said that it will go ahead. So did his successor when he was elected. We all know that it is impossible for the WC to be taken for Qatar