In exactly 80 months, curtains will go up for the 2022 FIFA World Cup…

So who is excited for the first FIFA World Cup in the Middle East, which is exactly 80 months away?
Every road around the globe will lead to Qatar when it hosts the world’s biggest football competition between November 21 and December 18, 2022.
Work on a number of futuristic stadiums — Al Rayyan, Qatar Foundation, Khalifa International, Al Bayt and Al Wakrah — have already begun (or been announced) to host the global extravaganza.
Qatar’s ASPIRE Academy has been given the task of building a great team in time for the competition in 2022.
Billions of dollars worth of construction work — from roads to a metro rail system to hotels to houses — has already been green lit. The event is expected to change the country’s entire landscape.
As we prepare to welcome the world to Doha, let’s once again promise to strive to do our best to make it a reality.
If salary delays stop, the half of the battle is won ..
Man, I talk too much... You just mentioned salary delays and I've spouted off with a whole paragraph...
No the salary delay posts will stop; they're going big time after the offenders... Countless companies being served warnings... Many of them are just firing staff because they can't pay them and the WPS guys are hounding the management non stop... It's good for the fired ones too though.. Better laid off than be in limbo without pay for 3 months...
Yes of course... Oh but hey; let me have your real name before you die so I can pray... God will be like 'which Brit expat do you mean, there's thousands in Qatar' ... Or maybe I can just say ' the one with the pink Kia' .... God: Aaahh that one... Yeah just one like that in the books haha...
I wonder if we'll still be getting posts about Al Khaliji, visas, Salary delays and Driving
mohdata: Please remember me in your prayers :O)
Brit: Yes my comment was chock full of sarcasm and I'm saying the same thing...a few ql' ers will be dead (I'm looking at you haha), some like me will go from being free birds to hen pecked family men... So yeah its a long time and yes I don't even click on wc posts unless I have something mean or useless to say... Like this time :-)
Mohdata : 80 months is a long time .. So much can happen . You could hopefully have six children and go though six sets of tyre so. Your Camry.
Do you really want to read about the WC each other day ?
We will look to the moon then .....................
I am also waiting for the next 48,000,000,000 months. Then the sun will have used up all it's light elements and will collapse after blowing the outer layers towards us. It's going to be a hell of a spectacle!
I swear, 80 months like it's days....at least a few current ql users will have left the world and a few others, the country...i personally will be well into marriage, kids and the daily grind, if I haven't managed to kill myself in the interim with cancer or some lifestyle illness... Only 80 months it seems...
Any more such articles and I'll have torn out all my hair and look like Rizks :0(
Lol - britexpat will probably be forced into retirement before the 80 months are up!
Is this going to be a weekly occurance now ? 80 months is 80 months..
Its a long way off ,,, so give us a rest till there are about 18 months to go please