Zolim : Worker Bus Without AC

are you the ones as mudir of these company..?
Workers feel the heat in buses without ACs
There are times when workers have to sweat it out for 90 minutes or more during a single journey. “Spending even five minutes in these conditions is unbearable,” said a worker who has to travel regularly in non-AC buses. Other workers ferried in non-AC buses faced a similar situation.
in Islam, such cruel attitude who torture people is called zolim.
Fan also help in cooling them...
I am only stating the law and not saying how much it is enforced or not..:)
Lets see how much they adhere with tat law ? :(
Wat if i see even one labour working at 11:31am ?
Should i come and break a big watermelon on ur transplanted hairy head ? :(
From 15th of June till 31st of August. Not allowed to work in the open sun from 11:30am till 3.30 pm
Really UkEng ?
From my window i can still see labours working under the scrothing sun digging a hole - dunno for wat ? :(
oh and we are in the month of June ! :)
Imagine the same situation when travelling in their own countries what would it be called then?
Not justifying any thing here, but at least give it to the GCC governments for having laws that the labourers don't have to work in the open sun during the hot months of June,July and August..