Wife and Girlfriend

Wife is like TV
girlfriend is like MOBILE (Cell)
At home watch TV
go out bring MOBILE
No money, sell TV
Got money change MOBILE
Sometimes enjoy TV
but most of the time play with MOBILE
TV is free for life
but MOBILE if you don't pay, the services will be terminated
TV is big, bulky and most of the time old!
But MOBILE is cute, slim, curvy and very portable at any time
Operational cost for TV is often acceptable
but for MOBILE is high and often demanding
TV got remote
MOBILE don't have
Most important, MOBILE is two ways communication (talk and listen)
but with TV you MUST listen to it (either you want to hear nagging or not)
Last but not least! TV do not have virus, but MOBILE, yes, they do have VIRUS!
LOL nice comparison though its offensive
always some turth is hidden in joke
ok.. u keep mobile wit u always... never think of T.V..
atleast TV will b free..
Not a good comaprasion..Especially when he doesnt have money he will sell his TV, which literally means that this guy is gonna sell his wife?
Ok.... So????
Is It Funny, i don't think so... ;)
great one,,
dont take it serious its just a joke
Last but not least! TV do not have virus, but MOBILE, yes, they do have VIRUS
What a lame comparison! Another husband letting out his frustrations......Why do people get married if they can't handle it?
Perhaps the OP thinks a wife is like a TV because he needs a manual to find out which buttons to press...;-)
I like to know where from this writer is because he says WIFE is like TV and he will SELL HIS WIFE, i gussed where he belongs to and i am sure my GUSS IS 100% right, hahahaahahahah
but its always good to see tv .not so expensive .while when u spend on mobile .nothing is visible outside.
Nice one but not agree with all of them.
i like tinkerbell:)
Could you tell how to remove it please
cool comparison... what about husband and boyfriend?!
seems to be bringing out violent urges in people..lol.. better remove the post before it gets truly ugly!
I think this donkey is a pimp who must be selling his wife or tv and bringing the new one.
Pls go and consult a doctor you need serious medical treatment. Require 880 Volts electric shocks
bubblymom, afrinabees is mentioning it is boring thread... I guess It is offensive to her...
LMAO tink!:P
best laugh I had all day...QL at its entertaining best!
and what head is that tink? LOL :D
yet an another boring thread......
Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate.
eeeww touch your deep?! wtf!
lol tink! you seem so violent today. hit him hard now!
I just add for fun - Shell I remove it? you touch my deep
I love my TV. It may be an older model, but I like its buttons and controls. It keeps me company all hours of the day, is not too loud and entertains me whenever possible :O)
wats dat tink? :D
fazmil = doing good deeds NOT! epic failure my man!
No money mean - If your wife is expensive then your income then divorse her and merry new one who can manage your family by your income heppily
Yikes! I just read that...Oh Lord have mercy!
not really. it's just my opinion.
If its not a joke it just sucks.. ""No money, sell TV" and "TV do not have virus, but MOBILE, yes, they do have virus" eeeeewwww!
included in your interests is doing good deeds *sigh*
I am writing it, will post it soon
"No money, sell TV" - Does these mean you need to pimp your wife out because you have no money?
Fathimah, Its not just a joke - There are something
not even in funnies ;(
bubblymom... Is it offensive to yu..? y?..
like it!
Yawn !
do you have any version for husbands and boyfriends???
it maybe funny to some, but some will find it offensive as well. (not in funnies?)
corny ;/
The tym you spent to typ this is much worthy... But for everyone both TV and Mobile are mandatory...
What a crappy stereotype joke =/
great oneeeeeeee its the truth