What did you learn Being a QL member?

By landloverreview •
Some of us are too senior I mean they are members from 5 years+
Some of us are so active with thousands of points
Some of us so creative with so many QL Ids,
In so many different ways we are all active, sometimes in discussions and Q/A or at the least in reading & hahaha mode...
If we suppose keep all the general information, news and updates aside, what else you learnt being a QL member.
Did you feel any change in your personality & thoughts?
I have learned that expats from certain backgrounds look down at & belittle locals in the worst way...and altho they act cool in person they seem to be hiding a lot of animosity and pinned up aggression deep within
that most of the QL members are funny and with sense of humor even some of their comments are annoying and a particular nationality hits it. :)
Good advice. :)
Think twice before creating a post :P
Not much, i am still fresh here
But it is a helpful forum, and some of the people here are interesting and i would like to meet them
I learnt that all haters love me. LOL
Of koz how can i forget this one.. Makes ur day at work easier and less stress free when your head is spinning and calls for a break..
I found my accomodation, car and even mobile phone through the advertisement all thanks to QL. Now, I myself am trying to sell stuff and services to earn some extra income. Hihi.. Interested guys?
Have friendships and conversations without "beautifying" the house to recieve friends and sharing a cup of tea...That is QL.
Well my ID is very old but I am active from past few days only,
I think government related answer are confusing in here, and in practical the situation is totally different from the answer we get in QL forms.
And there are alot of spam and out dated form, e.g in buying and selling if a car or item is sold after that thread still exists without knowledge if its sold or not.
And there should be sticky thread for FAQ, e.g people are asking for visa requirement or rental agreement process many times. so it will help those ppl quickly get the answers and the correct one.
And there are alot of changes need, I don't know why but I am here from long time that I don't even remember and its still the same. I think QL should keep some salary based moderators to keep place clean and clear.
Best thing in QL people have sold many of there used items with the help of QL website which would be not easy to sell without QL... and Thank you for that :)
Inspite of my busy schedule,I hardly find time to log in to QL.But whenever I find some time, I make it a point that I am here.I owe my very special thanks to Tahs,Britexpat,UKeng,Molten,Bluebull,Khanan,BG,DK,Nimbu,KnightReturns,Rizks,Dracula and Fatimah,Fea,Strom,Emy,Ghazalz.......
My days have surely been made colourful and blessed in one way or the other by YOUR posts or comments!This is sth invaluable I have gained from QL.
Thanks a lot and keep up the good work.God bless all of you always.
I dont know why most of us are against moderations.. of course they have some limits...Just imagine QL without moderation for 2 hours.. u will have something like an earthquake in the library like so many adverts in main forums..people with disgusting pics and words...
QL is clean and good for all solely because of their good strategy of moderation.
I am not buttering anyone here as I too have lost two IDs but I honestly mean what I said.
and BG start calling to my comments SPAM :D
As a QL member, I have learnt that the moderator was and will always be typing the word Ooooops ...
i have learned, how to screw when needed.
i have learned to accept what others think .
i have learned that i am not correct all the time.
i have learn that there is a lot of stupid and idiotic people outside.
u have learn that not everything is real in QL
That conspiracy theories abound. Area 51 anyone?
That there are way too many people who believe "if it's on the internet, it must be true".
That most of us overrate our comedic talents.
That personal sensitivity, the internet, and the written word are not always a good mix.
That in some cases, you really can't fix stupid.
I wanna know who the moderators of this site are
Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?
I repeat...will the real Slim Shady please stand up? :P
Once upon a time in 2008 QLSG was one of the best groups in Qatar and it vanished!
It's been a long time to post on QL
Being a member (majority of it in-active)I learnt that people readily share their experiences, knowledege, advise, etc in seconds if not minutes. Thanks to today's evolving IT tech.
As the years passes by, as seniors you tend to do the same when new comers join in.
I guess it's QL's circle of life with the goods and bads
Somethings QL has taught me in the last few days:
1)Don't take to heart too much anything anyone has to say for or against you.
2)Don't be afraid or ashamed to speak the truth and/or voice out your opinion.
3)Be most patient and forbearing with everyone, regardless of how they are to you. As per our faith, always repel evil with good, and be the better person.
4)If you find the opinion you held to be wrong, don't be ashamed to admit your mistakes, regardless of how arrogant and obstinate be anyone else.
5)Not always will we get the kind of response we hoped for. In fact sometimes what we face will be disheartening too. Be patient still, God is after all with the patient.
These have all been based on my personal experiences and observations here, which I wished to share. Perhaps it may help you and others as well.
And hope your mom is doing well now. My salaams to her and all your loved ones.
uk, the players have not changed only their ids have changed, and you should know better
what goes round comes round. isnt that correct uk?
I did not say I am happy or sad I am just pointing out what I see. I am not the Moderator to take any Qler out. Just chill Tahsinmim. Don't take it personal. :)
Stealth also I am referring to the Moderators, they have become one sided and favouring certain users, not a surprise to me. The more they suppress something the bigger it will get.
stealth yes recently we have new version. Before it used to be Pajju and Rizks who used to hijack every thread and now its BG, Tahsinmim and few others.
uk are you talking about the sms brigade??
Yeah I understand You are such an inspirational and helpful QL member. I think MOD must revised the community guidelines so that we can understand what exactly we can post and discuss.
LLR I have been on this site for over 6 years I know a lot of Moderators personally and can understand that moderation of this site is not always easy. But recently I have seen a new trend from couple of new Moderators which is a bit of surprise for me.
Take it easy mate.
Learn't that there are a lot of different people moderating this site and all of them have different views and values!
Aameen.(: May The Almighty Bless you too.
definetly a good website, have gained a lot of info.
God bless everyone who made this site. God bless Qatar and all around us.
Keeping this post in mind, i thought this would be ideal place for Newbie to give the importance of How Qatar Living could help newbie from getting messaged up.
I have definately learn from Qatar Living to avoid random posts as it creates lots of nuisance..
The forum needs to be updated as per the new messages but ideally, each forum says new messages but when you click some of them show as old as 2 years back.. So Im like how bloody this works. Forum needs to be maintained by www.xbhp.com.
In regards to classified and Jobs, there needs to be separate section for Seekers and Job Offers..The mix is again waste of time many who have been part of many forums .
Ideally this forums could be of more use than what it is now..
I hope the admin take this positively and works on it.
I realised that even after all the interaction and the understa nding, bigotry and self importance is still rife :O(
For me QL has always been "the" site to look for...From the latest happenings to hot news, has been at my fingertips...at no point did i ever feel being left behind in terms of knowing the country...the knowledge and experience of the wise,crazy comments and mindful suggestions has always been the highlight of the website..
I have always yearned for a place as diverse and fructuous as this website has been proving time and again,it has helped people understand a spec of a detail from every possible aspect.Diverse knowledge and perspective garnished with varying cultures and traditions has always kept a new meaning cooking..
people have had good experiences with their usual chores
privilege to be a member of a site that has been masking a smile on every face and continues to do so, a pleasure to experience how well people from different backgrounds blend along..
Wishing QL a bright and prosperous future!!
Qatarliving, Initially started off just for information and looking and stuff to buy and to sell.
Then slowly got involved with posting and discussing topics, and after a few years got involved with social side of QL.
Learn't a lot on QL, mostly taken from QL and sometimes gave something back in form of serious comments and information. Came across a lot of people, real people and fake people, users and abusers and very caring and helpful people.
So in a nutshell QL is what you want to make of it.
aint done yet
Do you know why ???
Because of those Stupid who used to put aside the main subjects and criticizes the spelling the errors and what so ever
eight years a go things were diffident we had good, decent , active and polite members
but Now we have what u see u spent time to help others and some **** are talking nonsense about an typing or spelling errors and some times they start to attack u just because of u r that color or that nationality
Hitting a century now...thank you all. ((:
QL is mostly for business.
And one more thing:
Sometimes a thread refuses to DIE :)
Got all my cars from here. got all my accommodations from here. its the first site that i search if i am looking for anything specific for Qatar. Some (very few) of the forum discussions were helpful in broadening my views. Many of the questions are answered reasonably in the Questions and answers section.
I was in a silent mode for long..Didn't feel like to comment..Can't say if i would remain as active as i used to be...I am replying now cos of FRIDAY...:D
My kid keeps me 24*7 busy...
tahsinji, i meant in a sarcastic way..:))
what else you learnt being a QL member? --- Nothing..QL is simply a time pass for me..I was an active member long back cos i was sitting idle at home then..:D
Did you feel any change in your personality & thoughts? --- No. I am still rude and short tempered as how i was before...:)
We have not learnt for what reason our ID'S are DELETED by the MODS
Yeah NP its not for me...I just wanted to know who the hell those cheaters are as I can be careful too. ((: u know what I mean?
It was for someone is this post not you who already got my point.
Thanks Shafika.. (:
Nimbu..What do you mean by cheaters? Spammers in classifieds?
Three messages... Wow!! @ BG seems like your lucky day :PP
Am i the only one who still yet to learn anything from ql
Am i the only one who still yet to learn anything from ql
Am i the only one who still yet to learn anything from ql
And cheaters too.
yea right . theres lot of learn from Qatarliving
good stuff...
khale walee
Lol...:))..where are the bananas
I don't want to cast aspertions, but Baburao ordered a kids meal and look what he got :O(
hi...u are correct..it is not for time pass...
How small is the tea cup
I learnt to my horror that Rizks uses cheap tea bags and smaller tea cups for his Karak Chai :O(
kiekie_21 + kiekie21 = 2 ids
I learn the same way above :P
I learn that QL can save people live by sharing
Lols PP...:))
lols PP
no problem NP u can generate a new one we all know that ur very creative.
Tats my line Snessy... You stole it on QL.
I've learnt not to judge a book by its cover...
NimbuPani: Just be your self bruv! who cares what the rest of the world thinks (:
my mind has broadened considerably!!
Ooh!! LLR u always have a catchy Forum Title...Keep it up :) :)
QL is a site which brings people from all over get closer,there is racial harmony..I made many good friends.
Ya there are some spammers and buggers,but i have learnt to ignore it now..
“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”
― Corrie ten Boom
NP there are no fake people its the ID's
Wot abt fake ppl Marco ?
I learned that grasshoppers are not green.
Thanks for telling me that.I didn't know... :P
Ok on a more serious note, I learnd that Not all people are kind and helpful.
Fortunately ,most are.
If one analyses there is a pattern in how people perceive QL as...as I cannot talk of others will limit it to my countrymen who find it a place to have made friends as a common denominator. Isn't it strange that while we are considered to have the maximum share of expat population we still look out for a virtual world to find friends. I wouldnt stretch it but I guess people would get the drift as to how we perceive our own countrymen but would jump at the slightest pretext to shout how PROUD we feel of our country. Is country a separate entity without people. A almost dead QLIG goes to support this point too. If we look within I guess we can see we are anything but an Indian, which we are so bl**dy PROUD of.
of people are short minded...
-that there is a lot of divercity in town..
-found my car on ql
-found my acc. on ql
-do like the comments from miss mimmi and fathima. the seem to know what is going on in the real world (and other serious female posters)
-learned how to troll ;)
i got Opsss bhai :D
SSSSSSSSSSSSSShhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Dont tell anyone i m trying for ..... :D
Well Lets Chat tomorrow Morning bhi, I m About to Sleep.
Good Night
I am perfectly fine now. How was your test ?
Oye NP, Go Get Some Sleep Bro :D
how are you?
Never trust the one you cannot see. I dont know why almost all the ppl here on ql have been helpfull to me always. but still why dont we trust each other. Why dont we come forward and join each other. Maybe tomw. we may need each other.
ppl ask you to share your dets and turn around thier face, what does this mean ?
...many friendly blood owners here!
A lovely platform to interact with people from different parts of the globe. Made some lovely friends...
No where else you will see the masked braves who behave absolutely different from the real self but many at times their real colors pops out ..lol. its funny.
i learned that being in qatarliving doesn't make you know everthing you need to know in living in qatar O_o
you rarely get straight answers as there are plenty smart-alecks around
like "google it, search the net/web"
dudes/dudettes what gives?!
I needed reading glasses ........it's ruined my lovely 20/20 vision. Damn you QL! :P
I have gained a lot of knowledge from QL, Thanks to everyone on QL..
QL increased my tolerance level!!
Came back to social life through QL gatherings and found some best buddies through QL specially Khattak and Khanan...
Ghazals i didnt IGNORE YOU ..
but Hey try to open my FB with same Password.
its reactivated.
For Sure you cant :D
BG, thanks but i Will say Thanks If you Open my 1st account
( 4 years 0ld )
Can you ?
Can Anyone ?
i am new user here i can only say that people are free at work:)
here I'm learning how to ignore :P
here this is what i learnt "spam"
I would say in short, besides learning many things from QL it's my best friend.
QL has by far been a great learning experience for me. The kind of knowledge I have gathered from being here is truly invaluable and vast.
I especially feel thankful for all the acquaintances and associates I have made via QL. A truly international/multi cultural circle of friends who have taught me many great things, more than any text book in school ever did!
I have also learned to see the good in people, and to overlook their flaws, for indeed non of us are without blunders and faults.
QL has also taught me the importance of sharing knowledge no matter how trivial it may seem, for the benefit it can bring to others can be far greater than you ever imagined.
Has QL made me a better person? I certainly feel it has. Have I made QL a better place? I truly hope I have!
LOL.XD i gave ur old id qazi back how dare u call me a racist
i learned that there are still lots of things to learn... especially for someone like me, a newbie in Qatar... :)
Lemme Think,
i Didnt Learn anything From QL.
I Didnt Meet anyone from QL (without GIRLS) :p
but got Opesed 102 times on QL for no Reason..
MODs are sometimes Racist :D
that there's still more to learn about people!
Lol Deadman, I understand what you mean buddy but for those effects QL is one of the best plat form.
I leart that people can love n hate some people whom they never know or met.
some of the comments on this post are hilarious:-)
found all my accommodations here..found my beloved car here..found for many of my friends their cars/jobs/accommodation/random things for sale..the forums and comments help me feel the pulse of the city and it's occupants..sure, nowhere is perfect; but for a free public forum originating in a country written off as dead/boring, QL and all you wonderful users deserve a round of applause:-)
Dude!! Seriously.... u need to see a doctor soon. Some of those effects have nothing to do with QL. :P
there are some good ppl in QL and a lot of cheaters as well.
Although many may disagree, QL taught me not to lose hope in humanity, however tough the going may be...
well life goes on....
saw some interesting characters, split personalities and what not. Everyone has their own stereotypes and doesnt budge an inch from those stereotypes
QL is one more social community site which creates addictions. I got chance earned some money by QL
I learnt that some people can be online all the day posting on QL and still keep their jobs. :)
What I couldn't find till now, is for whom they work ...
I have gained knowledge, friends and had some great times thanks to QL. And I have also tried to give back to the site not just take, in the years I have been on board.
Besides all the jokes and humor, it really brings out the real people in us.
Learnt nothing new,
QL is replica of our world, truly represent every aspect of it;
It’s Good, it’s bad & it’s really ugly!!
No shocks.
I appreciate QL for certain things though, like enormous info on Qatar!!
Change- neither QL could change nor I could change QL :)
QL made me realise that this little microcosm of Ids is no different from the wider world.
There are good and bad. Serious and funny. Bigoted and liberal.
The forum has helped me build friendships and some long distance relationships.
I may not agree with everyone or everything, but the discussions have definitely broadened my horizons and my understanding.
made dear friends like rizks, lp , no merci , miss mimi , tahsin
I am active in few other online forums too, have got few virtual girl friends, few penpals and so many Sanil Mailers..but to be honest QL reduced the gap of my virtual and personal life.. Sometimes I can forget the name of a person whom I met casually three four times but I could never forget few QL Ids.. Eventhough I did not meet anyone of you so far in real life but it makes me feel that I have so many people to talk with diverse perceptions... interesting part is that wn someone makes you angry here someone is there to hug you too... (: some of us have issues but I love the moderation of this web site as it cuts everything which will make u to be unfit in real multicultural social circle.
No..for me its lunch break...my office till 7pm
QL has reminds me that 3:00pm is the time for me and many of the QL members to go home ....:D
i have learned if humans are existing its all becasue of one Supreme Power , or else its , too much hate, fights , allegations, RACISM amongst us all ....
and offcourse few good frnds to make you believe life is still beautiful ...
ouch QL really taught me something :-)
Stop doing maska polish...lol...just joking..:)))
I have learned and met Smart and Intellectual people like BG,PP,Tahsin,feasad,LLR,MM,Smokey and LP in this QL SITE
i have learned that ID's with real names are not accepted....:)
Being on QL I learnt the true meaning of hypocrisy, racism and how seriously people take religion in their lives. I wasn't exposed to it (and am still not in real world). I would dread to think that it has even remotely changed my thoughts and personality...I think I am still sane.
Same here tinkerbell, a lot of good friends from across the border.
Khanan.. thank you for mentioning me in your second line.. thank you , thank you :P
learned the reasons behind bloody wars. The hate, racism, bullying, narrow-mindness all are evident on QL.
Met a lot of lovely people from different backgrounds. Love that experience.
I have learned that I have far too much time on my hands.
I have learnt physics from QL site
I learned people are not what they pretend to be in real life .. :)
I learned to be from worse to bad to good by observing the comments of sis fatimah and brit expat...they are my ql gurus :)
i was a very bad ql in the past...but my wifey changed me and ofcourse sis fatimah and brit comments :)
i have learned that QL is not a dating site....:)