What color to wear to enhance your image?

Colors are more than simple dyes. They are energy, and as such can affect us and the people who interact with us. You are what you wear. Studies have shown that it is hard to show anger in the presence of pink, so if you are looking for an edge, wear a different color. But what? It depends on the image you want to present.
If you wish to appear powerful or to feel powerful, wear red and black. Each separately is a powerful color, and together they project ultimate power.
If you wish to be dramatic, wear bold, vivid primary colors with strong contrasts, such as red with a splash of yellow or purple with a touch of light green.
If you wish to be romantic, wear pinks, rose reds, and pastel violet shades, such as mauve. Combine various shades of pink and red with no sharp contrasts.
If you wish to be perceived as trustworthy, wear dark blue. Blue conjures up images of tradition, caring, trust, authority.
If you wish to look like an executive, wear dark shades of blue and gray and accent with a bright tie or scarf. Or you can wear black with a pastel blouse or shirt and that splash of color.
If you wish to appear secured, wear earth tones with accents of gold or ivory.
If you wish to appear intellectual, wear blues, blue-grays, and muted blue-greens. Use stripes or linear designs in scarves or ties of neutral colors.
If you wish to appear sensual, wear warm colors such as red or rose red, but stay away from yellow. Use flashy jewelry for a contrast.
If you wish to appear passive, wear neutral shades of gray and gray-brown. Combine with other grayish colors, and stay away from sharp contrasts.
If you with to appear protective, wear navy blue, dark brown or black. Use dabs of primary colors for accents.
So which color are you wearing today?
Please guys,no Hijacking to the topic!!
What does a white thobe project???
like to know if plain Yellow has any significant effect on our personality or appearance.
He who speak doesn't know, he who knows doesn't speak
I choose hot red
You should share your colors too!:P
will c ya tonite
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
Im out for today, my weekend started!
See you tonight with your colors attitude!
Have a nice weekend all!
.check my shirt tonight and you'll know......
so is it white or black or red :D
ttabet, I was kidding. I won't be there, you guys will have to manage to have fun without me.
Btw, I think you need to call 999 to rescue your thread!
Have a good day, all, and have fun tonight.
stay cool!
to see you tonight
Maybe some funny and furry Buttang!!
I have a fur lined pink thong... Warm and confortable.
You will be all right with a silicone body paint in camouflage......
furry furry i dont see any furry female around
ALLLLLLLOOOOOOOO any furry bunny out there :D
lol da the best matching goes for you today!
DaRude do you ever change.. you was seen last November wondering in the sea with your clothes on..
what are your colors for today?
.the shirt the im weaving is the same/similar/close color as my undie, lol....
da, you mean fur color?
ttabet, you won't recognize me tonight for sure.
Right now he could be wearing a pink thong too.
to hear some one say i am a skinny bastard today wearing skin colour.
Those colors would match Britexpat, since he drives a Pink KIA!
how about mustard and ketchup? :P
brown cardigan w/ brown-black scarf & white pants +dark-brown boots.
ttabet82..Ofcourse you would recognise as your my officail stalker..lol no offence intend.
Come as you like, I will give you my comments tonight....hmmm and that counts for everyone, lol
Da, I think the matching colors that you chose for popie are original, would love to see him like this,perhaps tonite?
Ukeng, no worries I will recognise you,easily :P
black n mustard
tonite no cap :)
Can you stop talking about the hair.. I am pulling mine out from this shaven head..
ttabet82 sorry to disappoint you but.. just had hair transplant done over Christmas.. so no more Kojak look..But might shave again tonight to get notice.. therwise no one might recognise me..
you really look good wearing pink trouser and shirt
Lol, ttabet, whew! I was hoping you wouldn't call my bluff about the hair. I've never colored my hair before. Not even ONCE, can you believe it?
I'd rather go with the clothes thing. So that means I have to discover something other than jeans! Do Dockers count??
coz all the time im in tat mood...:)
some people doesn't have to dress to impress, they are just natural!:P
.pale pink plus verdon green for me.
Nah Already gone that not completely but it was at a number 2 it was after I died my hair completely black got bored of it and the easiest thing to do was cut it all off and do something else with it
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
I'm wearing same like RP..., Dark blue and burgundy pullover, it's cold here
ukeng brilliant idea :-)
shaved hair....why not?that way i will be definetly look like you :-)lol
ttabet82 & NFH So I going to wearing a bugie yellow to get notice like me hard hat..lol
I can always comment live tonight...so no worries!
Mis-Cat.. I am gald you did the highlight job and not the Sinead O'Conor look or Demi Moore (shaven head) look to get noticed...lol
Its a challenge then.....:P
It doesn't have to be with hair color, we can change the usual colors we wear and dress differently what do you say?
You are bias with your forum, you haven't said anything about my colors. That is all good, I will remember that one tonight.
Rainbow Color..._the gay color...hehehe
you are wearing dark blue pants like some others here, guess in your case the authority part will be mention to you!
ttabet, I'll do it if you'll do it :-D
And RP, thanks for the fashion tip
i'd go for black and red, but you'll see more of black in my closet.
notfromhere said:
maybe I'll do my hair like mis-cat's and see if you recognize me next time.....
Don't grease your hair to much, you might look like a auto mechanic who just spill oil in his head.
I will definetly love to see you in this look ;)
Maybe I will do a change also...what do you think?
what are the colors you are wearing and what are their significance and how it reveals your personality...you can always choose the tones of colors you want to wear everyday by being creative, make your own style!
Ttabet, good answer. I was thinking maybe you'd say I'm immature, or just too lazy to bother with fashion :-)
And maybe you didn't recognize me because I wasn't wearing a goofy straw hat? Hmmm, maybe I'll do my hair like mis-cat's and see if you recognize me next time........
Its another way to screw with their heads....they see blonde..subconsciously think dumb, see powerful intellectual colours, now confused! The beauty is you didn't have to do a thing!
why would I do that ...I love that people assume that I'm a dumb blond..makes it more fun to screw with their heads.....
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
To counter the blonde
If you wish to appear intellectual, wear blues, blue-grays, and muted blue-greens. Use stripes or linear designs in scarves or ties of neutral colors.
a.k.a. not the wealthy look more the shock tactic look here as i said at home nobody would even give it a thought...
UKEng. Nah not extension more like a one fingered salute to a society that does not promote individualism and hey I'm leaving in April so really am over the place (one should read this as just the place not the people I have met)....
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
well i guess wearing Jeans all the time, means your cool!
but last time I saw you, I barely recognized you....hmmm you were astonished!!
and Miscat its sometimes a good idea to change with your hair colors...
black and yellow (canary or magnolia yellow) :D
Dark blue pants with a burgundy long sleeve shirt...
Mis-cat you are on my radar from now on...Why is the hair new..did you have extentions done ?
Miscat, think you are going for the I'm wealthy look...that hasn't seemed to be covered yet
khaki reminds me of myself :-)
when i used to be a member of the Xtreme mountain rescue team....that was a longtime ago....
well that's because I've only had it done since New Years Eve so the hair is relatively new...
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
ttabet,my twin Pisces sister... I almost always wear jeans. What does that say about me?
Mis-cat.. I have completly missed you so far.. I hope to recognise you soon.. Blond hey..hmmm
im wearing dark blue with white cardigan...
so im....what?
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
ttabet.. God I am not pisces. Have to thank my mom and dad that they got the time of the year right.. I am Christmas baby..
mainly khaki with a purple wrap...oh my main hair color at the moment is a platinum blond so I guess I just like to be recognized.....
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
yeah i do remember, well don't know its just like that, are you a pisces? :-)
me brown today....
guess you're original having those 3 colors combined in your hair...what about the color ure wearing now?
ttabet88 I dont know why we always match.. when I wear blue you wear blue.. remember the beach...lol
Does having Purple, red and fuchsia pink in your hair count towards this...if so then I'm defiantly going for the bold look although back home i guess no one would think much of it....
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
i think we match ;-) today!
black with navy blue stripes pant
sky blue shirt
no neck tie today ..
love these energy stuff posts
thank ttabet
Pink or Blue.. I think I go along with Pink. So I am wearing a Pink shirt today..
yeah black is nice works well with other colors, dont have to think what to mix with it. :)
yeah..im wearing black too...cool..lol
am wearing black...
hhhmmm.... red and black for me too...
I prefer to wear blue colors most of the time.
Pink for me... I'm a romantic at heart..
See even the QL website uses Pink..
I like your combination, powerful!
For me its pink/rose :-)
Red and Black for me!
When I write... I believe... I'm honest....