what am i doing wrong?

Believe what you want but i can assure you i am a genuine caring romantic loyal mand loving person..i've had the pleasure of getting to know a lovely girl recently from phils..all was going very well..you know..getting to know each other, sharing stories about our lives, and then all of a sudden after she visited her auntie here in doha the girl decides that she only wants to be friends. I know she has some family problems back in phils and needs to work hard to support her family which i respect and admire..she never asked me to help with this..its something she was not comfortable talking about.. can anyone tell me is there anything i could have done differently?
She is always my prefer customer inside my confession Booth.
Mama Mia!
I am not as thunk as you drink I am!
Lol Flan ,,,
welcome to dumpsville, population you.
Dude u did nothing wrong from my point of view, it just sometimes life needs to get pushed a lil bit, and some time pauses makes a lot of differences. Wait and see. In the mean time dont let her go, try to feel her u r always around her where and when needed.
Pray/Push Untill Something Happen ;)
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
just respect her wishes to just be friends... she really must have reasons for doing so... if you're meant for each other, love will lead you back to each other... i always believed that love based on friendship is lasting... dont force yourself on the girl, let love find its way if it's really meant for both of you
Plenty more pebbles on the beach , lots more fish in the ocean and lots more cliches I cant think of .Move on , get over it .
lol charanmafiryals must be missing this Thread, Call Pest Controller ;) fast...ufffffffff Chinese Dolls and Pinoy puppies ?????? where is my dear freind Pajju ????????????????????????? his fav topic ;)
UkEng - yessir!
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
eagle, wasnt that what i said to..well said brit..you keep you chinese dolls i stick to mt pinoy puppies
handy, I think it's quite normal for Asian ladies to keep their emotions hidden, being shy and reticent. It takes time for them to open up, when they are comfortable with you as a friend.
That talk with her aunt must have put the brakes on her interest in you.. if she was really interested in you.. or are you just assuming it?
Sorry to ask but "getting to know each other, sharing stories about our lives" - this says she's friendly and would love to get to know you better as a friend. Doesn't say anything more.
Maybe she's not interested in you at the moment and doesn't want to build up your hopes. She's scaling down your interest to friendship only. She's basically not leading you on.
Since you're friends, why not ask her why? She might have already told you...Her aunt probably pointed out a lot of things and she decided that this is best for her at this point in time.
Just be a friend. Good luck.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
britexpat - better advice.
/Pls. ignore everything I said. Nitey nite.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
Mental torture - yes, best to know the truth as soon as possible and move on. From experience, I'll tell you it's better to bite the bullet and heal from a burnt face than have it hurting long term. Oops! excuse me... no laughing matter, I know.
Ask her since you're friends. Why suffer in silence? Better to have it out in the open and then you can decide on your next course of action.
BUT if she doesn't want to tell you anything, don't force it, just be a friend and she'll tell you in time. Scale down your feelings though. Difficult but focus on other things. With practice, it becomes easier.
I say scale down - because, if she has already indicated that she only wants to be friends, if you show that you're crazy about her, she might bolt for the hills and then your chances of getting any answers will be slimmer.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
Forget about her and move on.. Long term , she'll only be trouble.
Eagle you do have words..
Yes people can mis interpret friendship. Different cultures see a girl/Boy can only be like b/f whereas some cultures you could a very close friend to a girl who does not see you as a b/f like..
Flanotsu gives the best advice.. Where are you Flan? :P
i know mjamille..but there's still last thing at night and first thing in the morning..lol why was i born such a thinker !! lol
OK.. am gonna go to bed now..goodnight all and thanks for your comments..pleasant dreams to one and all
Dr Phil nearly got infected again last Thursday
Evryday I try to forget you, Every day I forget that..
space? you could use GT and FS's advise.,
no, seriously dude, confront her and satisfy your thoughts., try to do some recollections (of what had happened, recently, im sure uve had but think again),,, wish she'll be honest eough to tell you everything, goodluck and goodnight.,
call me ONE.
thnx koolkat..sounds like good advice
it doesn't have to be mental torture you know.. try doing other things, like being with friends of yours.. it'll take your mind off things...
thnx mjamille..but i think its maybe too soon.. maybe i'll give some space first and deal with the mental torture for now..lol
does ql have a resident love doctor? think we should have.,
UKeng, hope you get cured., :) or would you wan to be?
call me ONE.
yes you could talk things out with her again, once and for all to clear everything up,.. then ask her again what she decides to do, if she says the same thing, then you cant do anything but to respect it and give her the space..
I don't think her family problems has anything do to with this. Perhaps her auntie must have said something about you and that influenced her in some ways. You really need to talk to her and clear things out.
Ukeng, Have ya ever been infected? Lols..
Dr. Phil
Chill man, iam sure she will see all these qualities herself and come to a decision. Dont rush things.
i guess my heart and my head are in conflict right now.. :-)
tell me..should i just give some space and time or pursue this matter to try and get some answers?
thnx..i am trying and believe me your comments have helped. you know when you have the feeling that something is worth fighting for but you are not sure what to do for the best? well that's me right now..lol
Another poor guy infected by the pinoy love..
Call in the pest controllers..lol
On a serious note.. I think that always happens either its an aunty she speaks to or a friend or cousins, that make her realise that she is here to work and make money for her family (maybe kids) backhome..So mate all I would say just ignore here she will come to her senses if she has any feeling for you. If not then respect her wishes and move on handrolled...
im sure it's not.... cheer up..
you are right mjamille..i was just wondering if its a cultural thing?
it's never always good to keep emotions hidden,..they tend to build up inside you if you do,.you may not get the response that you want but at least you were able to express how you feel right?
i thought this..i guess i'm just used to discussing things like this..emotions and feelings and stuff..can you tell me is it a normal thing to keep emotions quite hidden? sorry to ask this but i guess its a new thing for me..
give it time.. maybe she's confused as to how she feels as well...
thnx mjamille
i know.. itold her i am happy to accept friendship..but still very confused
this is the problem though i am left not knowing why and don't want to pressure her as i know she has a lot to deal with right now
u were not at fault,.. it's just right that you respect her wishes, maybe you're better off being friends,..who knows, maybe things will take a different turn someday.. just remember, if it's meant to be, then it's meant to be,.. no matter what happens.
.hi genuine caring romantic guy....
.you should ask this lovely gurl from Phil why?