Sword, My friend, i have to do the 'name and shame' thingie...

Thank you for the hate mail you send me.
I dont like to name and shame, but if you cannot take constructive criticism, then there is something seriously wrong somewhere. I hate what i am doing, but it has to be done. I dont abuse people and in return, i dont expect to be abused too. So my fellow Indian, you shall reap what you sowed. Take care...
sword (http://www.qatarliving.com/user/12531) has sent you a message via
your contact form (http://www.qatarliving.com/user/7331/contact) at Qatar
If you don't want to receive such e-mails, you can change your settings at
f*k the hell outa here!
stupid comments
I don't know what was the cause of this issue here, no matter what were the reasons ... that does not give someone the right to send such an e-mail. Call it losing your sight and the ability to think properly in a dark hour where your vision was blinded by a mind that was shut.
I know Greeker since the first day I joined QL always as a nice guy who always helped people and looked after them [would never forget when he called me, checking on me when i was feeling down]. I never heard someone complaining about a bad thing that he does one day, there is nothing like that.
If someone won't be reasonable enough to accept the fact that when you open a thread or complain about something, that you will find people who would agree, disagree or trying to explain to you what was wrong. Then these forums are not the right place for you and better stay somewhere else and keep your opinions for you so no one would upset you again like that.
Just Ignore those kind of things man and let them be. Not your problem that some can't understand your style or the smart way you put everything in it's right place.
Best Regards
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
Peace and cool down.And forget about that Mail.
Be happy again and enjoy the day.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
Btw I like your Blog and I'll have a look on from time to time .
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
For one, i said nothing insulting Sword's mom. All i did was enquire if she caught a safe flight home. I stick with my comment that he should have made his schedule better, rather than blame the opening ceremony for his mom missing the flight.
Secondly, yes, i did mention earlier that PM was private business and that it should not be made public. But what you have to understand is that this was NOT A PM INSIDE QL. This guy went to the contact form and wrote that to me in MY PRIVATE E MAIL. I believe that he does not have the right to do so, whatever the circumstances.
That is why i did what i did and posted it in here. I dont intend to apologise, for i dont believe i have done wrong. People in here know me for who i am. Like i said, i have NEVER insulted anyone and i dont expect to be insulted either. Its really as simple as that.
Oryx, Scarlett, KSA, Owen, Stealth, Azzi, PM and all the others who spoke up for me, thank you so much. I am so much in debt of you all. thank you.
That comment...was me...i take full credit of that statement...but again that was in a very respectful yet light way...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
I was talking about the '' arab/muslim women'' comment. I already read some of Greeker's posts on his own blog. I do confirm : that guy has something to say, and he seems familar with ''pens''.
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
I knew u were mixing things up...
And dude...i rather not talk on the Indo Nuke deals and policy...i havent bothered to follow that story so i wwudnt care to comment...
But yea buddy not a problem...this Greeker is also quite a nice person...very fond of writing and quite good at that as well...
Anyways...testing my humour thats alright buddy...u were actually doin a lot than that...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
lol, you know what ? I just gor mixed now who's ksarat16 and who's Greeker lol. I thought I was on your blog yesterday, but iwas actually Greeker's. Now that I start mixing things , I think this will never end. When I was teaching I used to mix up names and this lasted the whole academic year.
ksarat, don't worry I like testing people's humour sometimes. I'm just a green creature ready to jump on all what moves around :d Example : RAM lol . Peace . ( I just remember India has nuclear weapons so maybe it's an imposed peace LOL )
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
My Music: http://www.showcaseyourmusic.com/LittleGuitarist
My Photographing: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ram8982/
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonapart
U had to drag me into this...well here goes...
Firstly, about the comment a few days ago...regd Arab Girls and the TOUCH THE ZONE comment...it was a simple matter of light moment...that I and R-7 had thats it...>>U got all excited bout that...and spoke of not insulting anyone...come on buddy...it was a light moment...i m sure ppl who have met me and R-7 totally agree to the fact that we respect the QL Lady members as well ladies in general...its ok to have a bit of fun sometimes...
Second, what u told Greeker was the only thing i commented on champ...all i said was Greeker never mentioned anything so rude that Sword had to jump to such a statement being quite rude to him...
Third, I never ever said u shudnt be commenting buddy...ofcourse this is a public forum...and for heavens sake champ...i m sure none of us think about commenting....on anyone's MOM even for a joke buddy...thats a region that none of us get into anytime...and then again being from a diff culture also doesnt allow anyone to be commenting on "MOM" that is quite sacred to be commented upon...and buddy i aint frustrated...maybe u jus lost the humor ... i have been reading a couple of ur other posts...u sounded like a pretty humourous person...come on Froggie...let the humour prevail...not the sad things...
And regarding the other post that u jus made bout me replying to Kitkat...that was again a bit of fun...i m sure she knew that...so we had a quick light moment there champ...
So trust me...
1) I or rather anyone wud never comment on "MOM"...
2) I wudnt be bothered if u were to spend even 2000 Cents in any thread...it was jus that u barged in to blast Greeker and so since knowing and having met him in person...i just wanted to tell u that what u inferred from that post of his...was incorrect...thats all...
3) I surely want to see ur posts...some of them are quite funny...dude...so go on posting...
Cheers...friends again or not...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
sorry to interfer , it was just tempting :D
Ram there are things you are certainly sure of , and u know what I'm talking about :)
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
It only means that you think first before you speak or do something...
I just liked this quote...don't know who Bertrand Russel from Noah but still I find this quote true about some people I've meet (in real life, outside QL)
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. .-Bertrand Russell
Always in doubt .. so that means i'm intelligent .. lol ;)
no actually it's really true and that quote says the fact ..
I was wondering how some guys r less qualified than me and they r so cocksure .. and i always have doubt .. I actually i need some self confidence sometimes .. wish to be intelligent and cocksure
My Music: http://www.showcaseyourmusic.com/LittleGuitarist
My Photographing: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ram8982/
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonapart
I hope I did not offend you or something :-)
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. .-Bertrand Russell
I'm always in Doubt , but I'm sure of few things. I guess I'm neither intelligent nor stupid, but I think Bertrand Russel is not that sure about this statement:d
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
are you "cocksure" about it or still "in doubt"? (joking here)
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. .-Bertrand Russell
Another thread where Mr. Geeker wants to start his new Ql policy : '' Witha ll due respect''------->http://www.qatarliving.com/node/44347
ksarat16 said O kitkat ...
Please tell me u didnt have any other work rather than tryin to create a thread that wud generate lots and lots of responses...
With all due respect ppl here are already pretty occupied on discussing a few serious imp topics...so really anyone wud be wanting to know what u missin if .......
First , I don't think you will stop anyone from posting whatever he/she wants to post.
Second, I think the best way to stop such trivial things is to ignore then, and that's what I suggested first . I repeat : Keep plz your private PM for yourself. This is called PM and nothing to do with Public forums.
With all due respect ....of course
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
I do respect your opinion, but I don't really agree .
"I think other users should be warned" I think if we keep on 'warning' users we'll end up by filling 100 pages with such posts. That's the way it has always been Dear. The Internet is a series of PM, E-mails....insults , praise, information, requests..etc . On Ql there are mainly adults who are aware of the bas as well as the good side of the internet. So, I don't think this is of any use to post '' name and shame'' threads every now and then :) cheeers
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
I never said Greeker doesn't have the right to comment on Any post , but I think that he should have chosen his words in a better way. Sometimes you don't mean it, but you may hurt others feeling. Accusing me of jumping into every thread is a bit childish. This is a public forum , and if you don't like me to comment try to find a way to censor my posts, if you really can. It's you who should relax now, and let people post their comments without starting your 2 Reyals value Judgements. I know how anyone would feel if someone start making comments including his/her mom. Perhaps you belong to a different culture. That's why last time I told you not to rush into rediculous joking about Arab/muslim girls , because that has a very bad taste, You seem to be frustrated since that time. Just Inhale....exhale and start breathing....you're still alive. No panic . With " all due respect"
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
who is sword? can i use his name on him?..:D
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
I like ur signature soooooooooooo much ..
My Music: http://www.showcaseyourmusic.com/LittleGuitarist
My Photographing: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ram8982/
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonapart
he'll be capable of being rude or not nice to anyone.
Hmmm....SWORD misunderstood Greeker's comments, that's all.
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. .-Bertrand Russell
I recived it too it is not worth to spend the time answering - now he didn't know he was writing to a middle aged lady lol.
profile..access denied...so just deleted it
Wuts ur prob.?? I'm sick and i like that kind of sex ..lol .. Do u mind ?? ;) J/K
Check ur pm
My Music: http://www.showcaseyourmusic.com/LittleGuitarist
My Photographing: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ram8982/
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonapart
LOL. My idea for looking up the profile wasn't exactly out of desperation.
2200 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Ram - guilty by asscociation! not because of silly sword but because fembot likes being tied up.
What would your mother say if she knew were buddies with a girl like that! ;)
For a moment i thought that sender was female...a quick ray of hope as they say...LOL...but yea access denied or the user account not found was the message that i saw...sheeeesh...too close yet too far buddy...
So whats been happenin...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
I got that message in my inbox too. Tried to check on the senders profile, but the account as already deleted.
2200 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Wuts the prob. to be on her buddy list .. is it only me .. i don't understand .. and being a friend of fembot who is a friend of sword doesn't mean that i know sword ... and u know i have been always a good guy and never insulted any one ..
My Music: http://www.showcaseyourmusic.com/LittleGuitarist
My Photographing: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ram8982/
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonapart
The guy's profile says he's from Pakistan, yet his mom wanted to fly to India!???
2200 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
OK - i think this is a scam.
I wrote back nicely and asked her to tell me more---- nothing.
Hello Dear
How are you today i just joined this site and i,m looking to meet people and get to learn more about life and culture so if you don,t mind i will like to know you better so if you can reach me on my email and tell me about yourself and i ,ll write you as soon as i get your email with my photos and tell you all about myself too.i really hope to hear from you soon.take care of yourself and stay bless,my email is doefaith[AT]yAhoo.com
and most WOULDN'T do something like that unless it was necessary..I've never seen Greeker do anything rude before and I don't consider this rude...he was just being straightforward in his post that you put up..I have to admit that if I knew my mom had a flight on that day..I'd have left WAYYYYYYY before..The PM that Greeker was sent, was inexcusable...if he had something to say, he should have posted it..or kept the thoughts to himself.
As far as the scam...yes, PLEASE post those..some people might fall for that, if they don't know...
With all due respect...sometimes u seem to jump the gun...while i totally accept Greeker's comments on the thread posted by Sword...tell me...why wud u wanna create another threead with the same crap of info...and secondly, greeker didnt comment on his MOM...infact i m sure however stupid one is...nobody wud comment on anyone's mom...all he told was Sword shud have been more careful in plannin his mom's trip...in the end did u notice greeker did enquire bout this guy's mom with an intention that she hopefully had a later flight to catch...
So dude...rather than jumpin into every thread and giving ur 2 cents pls ensure that ur 2 cents are actually worth it...take it easy buddy...and relax...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Frog I dont' agree
I think other users should be warned.... and the individual has to use their judgement on that one.
for a start i received a dodgy pm the other day... I think it was a potential scam but I did nothing and I feel a bit guilty.
someone may be conned out of money and I could have alerted the QL forum.
I feel harsh when I do name and shame and guilty when I don't.
You can't always stand by and do nothing!
If someone sends you a pm with obsence insults - that is uncalled for...
Dear Greeker,
To clarify things :
Sword post :
the day before yesterday celebration at cornische was very pporly organised.the roads were jammed.my mom had to leave for india but due to immense traffic the flight missed.this is not with me but with other people too.
post ur comments
Greek response :
Greeker said Sword... ...
1. There is already a topic on the FRONT page. So you could comment there. Would keep the forums much more clean and uncluttered.
2. That there would be a rush at the Corniche was very clearly advertised from a very long time. People know that such a big event CANOT come without traffic restrictions and huge crowds in place. sorry to say, but if your mom missed the plane, then YOU are at fault. YOU should have left home early and YOU should have made contingency plans.
3. Its easy to say that an event was organised badly, but nobody thinks about the effort that went behind it. Yes, there were flaws, yes, they could have done it better. But in my opinion, they deserve applause for doing what they did.
Qatar, as big as the nail on my little thumb in the world map, pulled off something that other countries would give their right arm to accomplish. So instead of complaining, stand up and be proud that you were a part of it. A part of history that was made.
Sorry about your mom, though. Hope she got another flight out of Qatar
My opinion :
I can understand your reaction, though I think it would heve been better to keep that outside the public forum. However, I have to say that you have started this. You were not very nice to sword in your last post, and I can even say that you've provoked him/her. I think no one would accept to have his mom insulted or even evoked in a public forum. I don't know what he/she said in private , and I don't really care. This is what private messages are made for. Please keep your private quarrels out of public forums, and avoid provoking people.
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
I think the PM messages are a serious issue as finally it discussion forums, how would they manage in face to face debates - get up and shoot if name calling does not get the required results
Sword's only buddy is fembot - who likes being bound and gagged.
And Sword is under 18.
So I agree with Ram that we need more moderators
but Ram you are on her buddy list too!
I will not stand for anyone insulting Greeker.
No one
He is the epitome of a gentlemen.
Sword you haven't made Greeker look bad ...... but this has very much back fired.
My opinion is that QL needs more moderators and watchers who has to be more active almost all the day .. so that they can put control on this website again .. I'm sorry for that Qatari and Ahmd r doing gr8 job but only them r not able to control this website .. sadly it started to slip outta there hands ... try to do something b4 u lose people from here and go downhill ..
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
My Confession Booth is open for penitence and arrepentance on the chronicle's of QL nuts.
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
Abba, Abba, Padre!
Every once in a while QL faces this kind of problem. Its like the change in weather patterns over here.
Sword's the idiot I'm referring to, not the guy I sympathise with.
Light travels faster than sound. That's why most people appear bright until they open their mouths.
I don't know what u did to deserve this but:......
In the last few weeks I have seen ever-increasing levels of personal insults and abuse. The place is being taken over by morons who can only derive a kick from putting others down.
What was once a really good place to chat, learn things and exchange (mature) views, is now becoming a bazaar for slinging insults.
A pity really - that the low classes find their way into everything!!!
Sword, just hang in there and ignore these fools.
Light travels faster than sound. That's why most people appear bright until they open their mouths.
man you've never been anything but logical and nice on here..what's got sword's knickers in that tight of a knot?
whats going on in QL nowadays? Threats, innuendos and what not