Sharin OLD Days -- school

Well... I love my memories.... i miss thm.. my school days...and many more..
ok lemme start wit my first day in my Lower Primary school.. as soon as i got seatd on my bench wit cute othr girls (GIRLS school).. i was thinkin of gettin out of tht school.. dont know y... newayz...the first story i heard in my interval time was tht there was a ghost in the toilet.. so never ever go inside the toilet ... oHHHHHHH tht was the worst story.. my God i want 2 go to toilet.(i want 2 urinate). but how will I aftr hearin tht... atlast i controlld myself... it was 4' o clock i was prayin 2 go home soon... bell raaaaaang,,, i wishd i cud run home.. but it was too far.. i was waitin 4 my driver... my God i cant control... i was cryin.. i was standin wit my twistd legs... finally driver came tuk my bag.. but i dint move frm wer i was standin... he calld me... he askd y am i cryin.??? but suddenly he got the answer.. he saw water wer i was standin.. i stoppd cryin... i smild at him i said "OK now v can gooo" HOW LOOOOOOOOONG A SIX YR OLD CHILD CAN CONTROL HERSELF"
as i said above the story of a ghost in the toilet ... one aftrnun, all children were cryin & runnin... the teachers came out... the pblm was tht really a small girl saw the ghost in one toilet, ghost was weepin, she said she heard.. teachers went inside all of us were bitin our nails...& all of the stuffs wen v c horror movies... finally the teachers heard the cry... it was none othr than a small girl stuck inside the toilet ... poor girl... she was cryin as she was lock frm outsie by som crookd frnd of hers... & finally the ghost story got THE END..fake stories was creatd by those crookd children.. i hate liarssssssssssss. i also startd goin 2 toilets aftr tht incident...
will share my highschool since it's the most memorable year in one's school life..
when i was on my Freshmen year, one of my classmate courted me.. I said "no",.. the next day he wrote a letter for me but i put it in the trashcan.. the third attempt he sat beside me and ask me why he can't be my BF.. Then i start to become red and i cried too loud and went to my teacher and told her my classmate's courting me and i am scared of him.. then my teacher scolded him.. after that no one ever courted me again til Junior year..
hahahahaha.. highschool..
will also haaave 2 share!!!!!!!!!