Saudi gives Israel clearance to attack Iran

Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites
Saudi Arabia has conducted tests to stand down its air defences to enable Israeli jets to make a bombing raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities, The Times can reveal.
In the week that the UN Security Council imposed a new round of sanctions on Tehran, defence sources in the Gulf say that Riyadh has agreed to allow Israel to use a narrow corridor of its airspace in the north of the country to shorten the distance for a bombing run on Iran.
To ensure the Israeli bombers pass unmolested, Riyadh has carried out tests to make certain its own jets are not scrambled and missile defence systems not activated. Once the Israelis are through, the kingdom’s air defences will return to full alert.
read more here:
@ whyteknight: sorry but u will not be able to send me any post cards form hell because u will be burning from foot to head! I will be sad if u and the other who made fun of Kafir went to hell because of how bad its there. Read about it here:
Seriously read about it! just read about it guys with open mind!
and why "Israel" would do such thing when they have their allies (USA) and their Aircraft carrier in waters next to Iran.
Xena this is not for the ones who are offended by it.. We are inviting everyone who is proud to be a kafir :-P
Yes, let's all support the movement against these fanatic moralists. The whole world is with you (not just Asia, as someone here suggested).
could find yourself in a lawsuit.... its definmation of charactor to use that word to a south african;-P
Oh man, I have started a movement ;)
OK I agree! Lets do it. A Kaffre Kafe would be nice
eh, they can't handle the wild side...;)
But JOA remember that you are a kafir. And as a kafir, you are not supposed to believe that!
Kaffirs should not believe "muslims can't be kafirs".
Kuffar recreation centre sounds good
OK.. I'm in....
I don't believe in Tooth Fairies and Wayne Rooney...
Britex... Non believers of whatever.................
Whatever you don't like to believe!
Non believers of what ?
heaven and hell? Don't be so daft! :)
If people like Dr. Zakir Naik goes to heaven then I definitely don't want to go to heaven. He will spoil all the fun in heaven.
So to book our place in hell lets join the "Cafir Lounge"
Lets start the Kafir group or lets name it the "Non-believers group(Caffres Lounge)"
Kafir group! Great!
Let me know whoever starts that one. I will be life member.
for sure u can start it, but see the posts u'll have most of asians in ur company.
Now do u ready to do it?
lol.. bloody Kafirs , do call me once you all reach the hell guys, we will have a QL gathering there too
Can we start a kafir group on QL? It sounds like the fun place to be and the non-kafirs will leave us alone...
Hell will have an eternal hellfire where we can roast marshmallows all day long and eat all the deep fried stuff without getting fat and looking like Greek Adonises. Sign me up as a kafir please. Thank you.
don't worry, you wont be alone. the majority of sincere kind people will be with us ;)
No way Brit, all the Indian postmen are going to hell for sure, I will hire their services :)
There are NO Post Offices in Hell, so please try to be good in this life :O)
LOL observer, thank you. I will send you a postcard from hell :o)
"That is a reality with no doubt"....LOL
guys who are making fun of being Kafir, it is not something to be proud of! if u die kafir u will go to hell! except if u died as a child! That is a reality with no doubt!
like BIG DOG has a history of blood shed, from the day immigrants stepped in to the land, till now.
britexpat said:
Muslims are killing muslims all over the world -
Since the foundation of Islam "Muslims are killing muslims all over the world"
Muslims are killing muslims all over the world -
Also, the action of the Saudis is more to do with Politics and less to do with religion.
If I am born again....I would like to be born a kafir in my next birth too. I am a happy kafir!
should not but don't provoke, just let go
I know what it means and I still don't mind. Why should I care what prejudices others have about me..
the word means a lot for your info. please make your search and you will be offended if someone called you so after knowing what it means.
lol Blood, I am not offended at all by it. It's not a bad word for me. I am one and I don't mind being called one :)
Me too! a Kafir. Whats so bad being a kafir?
please man ease up on using words like that, the guy used a very bad one don't just repeat it to make the issue bigger
I am a kafir and proud to be one :)
this is taking a serious Direction, guys please cool down, we should not take this issue personal and specially not on that orientation, rujimuba common man what you have said is totally not right you should not call anyone as you did, I hope that the MOD is awake to delete that.
God loves all homo sapien sapiens... Don't insult the rest by calling them kaafirs.
The Saudis did this to themselves. Stuid fataws from clerics that do not speak on behalf of god and a stupid ban n women drivers. Look to who you should direct your anger at
Allah is watching every developments and moves my Kaafir against muslims..
How heartless saudi decides to help attack muslims like this?
Allah will take care of everything....
That proves the old saying that Arabs and Jews are brothers, where Persians are not..:)
deepb: I AM blonde! This brown color I dye my hair is my attempt at artificial intelligence. :o)
Sorry I didn't catch the sarcasm in your first post. Anyway, that's why I asked if you were being serious or not.
Why would they need to fly over Saudi...when they can fly the bombers straight across the water from Qatar?...
the story is really interesting and so many do care about just from the above you would not be able to see any sincere answers except for some we can't generalize.
A sensitive and interesting story, which no-one really cares about ..
This is a very sensitive and interesting story by the way...
Khawaga, I think if you read all the other anti-US threads and posts before, you would understand my sarcasm. Let me put it simply for you - US is to be blamed for all the evil committed against the Muslims and Arabs. ( more sarcasm btw)
P.S- On a totally unrelated matter are you blonde?
Operation Babylon which destroyed the reactor , required multiple F-15 & F-16s of the IDF to fly over Saudi Airspace.
The Saudis had advanced radar systems supplied by the Americans, however they were not able to detect the overflight.
The story I heard from a couple of colleagues was that the Saudis were alerted , but turned a dlind eye for fear of being targeted by Israeli support aircraft.
Iranians are not Arabs but they are Muslims. And Saudi assisting Israel to attack an Islamic country.
didn't saudi also allow US operations to occur out of their land during the first gulf war too?
britexpat u r revealing a big secret! are u sure that is what happened?
so the history will repeat again;
Nothing new, nature of self fear, of the rulers of the region, once it was
Shah e Khwarezm
recently Iraq and now
I used to work at a base in Saudi..
The story goes that, the Israeli pilots communicated in Arabic.. They "warned" the Saudis to stay out of their way as the flew accross their airspace. The Saudi defence systems were online and they knew very quickly that their airspace had been penetrated, but "chose" to turn a deaf ear / blind eye :O)
Correct me if am wrong, but I think the Israeli Air force flew over the Jordanian airspace and Saudi :), Saudi had no clue or a radar covering that area. At that time Iraq was fighting a war on behalf of the GCC countries against Iran.
This wasn't the first time for the Jordanian to open their airspace, An iraqi pilot defected to Israel in his MiG21 so the Americans could understand how does the MiG 21 engine operate :)
deepb: No. Still waiting on an answer.
Saudis are more scared of a Shia Iran than they are of Israel. Israel poses no threat to Saudi but Iran can cause Saudi a lot of trouble. They will probably turn a blind eye if it happens then voice a weak protest.
Saudis are more scared of a Shia Iran than they are of Israel. Israel poses no threat to Saudi but Iran can cause Saudi a lot of trouble. They will probably turn a blind eye if it happens then voice a weak protest.
It's called politics and self preservation .... :O)
slight change in my concepts
a friend's friend is an enemy
an enemy's enemy is a friend
a friends enemy is a friend
an enemy's enemy is a firnd
where the world is coming to !!! its getting too much complicated for my tiny brain...what do i going to sleep
Nothing New... Last time when Israel attacked the Iraqi reactors, the Israeli Airforce few over Saudi Airspace without being challenged.
During the second Gulf war, the Saudis ballowed US Airforce to use its airbases whilst outwardly pretending to deny them this right - to keep the public happy.
This time the Saudis have given the go ahead because it is in their favour in the long term.
It's politics and the need to keep the Big Dog happy..
Do you guys believe anything that media says??
Saudi denied that and they said clearly we wont allow anyone to use our land as a base to attack other islamic countries.
Is always being dragged to any hole, since it is the most powerful in certain sense, everyone would just throw something on their hanger.
It is just like a beautiful lady which is almost out of reach, their will be always comments how reddish cheeks she got, how she used silicon to increase the size of this part or that, not saying that US is always right but if we really look inside the nation of US we will be astonished that it is a mixture of all nationality, and since they all are contributing in ruling, who do we really have to blame.
khawaga: I agree with you,,the best example for this is "Pakistan" !!
Did you understand why I went there now ?
And I think you will find that Muslims have only themselves to blame for most of the bad things that happen to them.
no matter what,,Iran got the ba*ls to stand against anyone... just want Israel to learn a lesson.
I didn't say you weren't allowed to. I merely asked why you went there.
Khawaga, why am I not allowed to talk about the US now? Didn't you know US is the puppeteer behind every evil thing that happens to all Muslims? Those darn infidels!!!
what if they just want to incite them against each other?
Makes perfect sense. Saudi and Israel have common strategic aims in some areas. For those saying a Muslim country would not do this, remember religion os only there to control the poor and the masses. At the top they have more important things to worry about
Avvid: of course they checked with the US. They usually do in such circumstances. I just wanted to know why deepb decided to drag the US into this thread. That's why I asked.
Persia has always been a source of fear and a threat for Arabia, no one wants to see them getting stronger , but at the same time, there is another scary neighbour , so the best thing would be disarming the whole ME out of WMD and Nukes. Emirates and KSA are already in the process of establishing a civilian nuclear programs, so the race has begun.
what matters for them i think is iran should be stopped in its efforts to build a nuclear arsenal and iran's neighbors need someone to do it for them and israel is the prfect excuse.
Could you knowledgeable conspiracy theorists share who are the US puppets for the benefit of the rest of us poor ignorant people?
It's not about being Arab or not.
Who are your strategic alliences?..This is what matters.
When "ARABS" choose Israel as a their's. This defenetly proves the "Puppets" theory
I Don't believe at all... Saudi arabia would do this.
So now Saudi is not a US puppet? Make up your minds, will you lot ?
of course they will deny! what else is new?
PMO: Report is fundamentally false; Sunday Times: Mossad chief held secret talks with Saudi officials.
LP, so the IEDs will stop in Iraq?
Iraq will have a more quiet border in the Southeast.
so if this report is true and israel succeeds with the bombing raid who do you think will benefit from it's success?
LOL Hasan when Iran denies holocaust, all of you support them and they become brothers who have the guts to speak out and now they are not even Arabs :-D
Al Baker.
Saudi atleast made their stand clear..
"Iranian Arabs" in Qatar: Al Emadi, Al Darwish, Al Fardan. More?
Ah avvid, thanks for the information. I didn't realize Saudi also was a puppet under the US. Remind me again which country is not under the rule of these evil US infidels?
a brother nation? Maybe a sister nation? LOL!
Seriously, a lot of Arab nations is wary about Iran!
before making the decision. Check out the full article at
But it doesn't matter if the US was consulted. The question is why is Saudi allowing a brother nation to be attacked?
LincolnPirate, you're spot on.
Khawaga, yes I'm dead serious and pigs can fly as well.
Just chucklin' :)
deepb: seriously? Why did you bring the US into this?
Iranians are not Arabs!
Hmmm interesting... I'm sure the US is behind this as well.
no Comments from my end. whatever happens is with some reasons.
its the second time in 2 years that Saudi gave this permission,,,
at least this was also in the newspapers about 2 years ago....
So much for the "Arab Unity", hahahahahahahahahaha.
Haha Saudi getting worried about Iran. Worried enough to help even Israel.
this all is bullshit... no muslim country can either do that!!