Sat Nav in Qatar??

By Missteacher •
So I have started to lease a car here in Qatar for the first time and back home in the UK I have a Sat nav that I rely on to get me about! I am shocking with directions and know I will get lost....can you buy a decent Sat Nav for here and is it quite popular?
I have Garmin GPS and its works fine. You can find it Lulu Hypermarket. Prize around QAR 550/-
Pick up the basic Garmin for Qar 500 - features in the higher models are of no use here eg. Traffic updates. You'll get the middle east NT map free. I additionally have gps inbuilt in my car but the map update will cost me qar 3,000
Before coming to Doha, I downloaded ME maps on my Tom Tom.Tom Tom back home is very good as they keep on releasing software updates frequently for map/any other changes.But in ME the Tom Tom updates are not available :(. It gets you place to place but any changes after the last version are not updated. Any one you buy just make sure that they have plans to update the software.
Buy Garmin nuvi 1300 or higher.