Salam ,Hi im a stay at home muslim wife

that will like to meet other muslim sisters to be friends with,I like to meet any nationality,but it will also be nice to meet american since im american and i dont have that many american friends,AlhamdoAllah.I was raised most of my life in Louisiana and hadnt met anyone in Qatar yet from Louisiana,so it will also be neet to meet someone from this area,InsheAllah.It would also be nice to meet somebody that has about the same interest that i have,InsheAllah.I like mosque,houses,lighthouses,I like to draw and do arts and crafts,read,use computor,surf internet,telivision( a little ),learn arabic and languages,etc.
Sara,Thank you,InsheAllah I will.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
Hey sorry to hear about your leg...doesn't sound worth even with the new floor and couch...stil good leg is better. Anyhow, get well soon. Take care.
Yes Sara, im back in Qatar,AlhamdoAllah,but still suffering from sleeping too much and the beginning of my Ramadan i was sick with my leg hurting and itching me,i have soars on my leg,but it got better,AlhamdoAllah,good news,my husband bought me a new floor and couch and chair,AlhamdoAllah.Ramadan Kreem to you too,and hope and pray you are in good health and enjoying also,InsheAllah.Thank you. Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
Salam Alaykom,Hi,PandaGirl,That will be great InsheAllah to meet you and be friends with you.I will give you my email address,InsheAllah.Fee Aman LiAllah,this is in arabic and it means May God bless you and keep you safe when you are traveling.Happy Ramadan.You have a good and happy day,InsheAllah.Im look forward and ancious to see and meet you soon,InsheAllah.Thank you.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
Panda Girl do you know how to make Rouladen?
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
Hello Linah, are you in Doha now? I remember you were vacationing in the US...Ramadan Kareem. Hope you are enjoying Ramadan season. I am trying not to travel the whole month of Ramadan and spend with my far, it's great, chance to have friends over which we hardly had time to meet on usual days.
Sounds more like a wind up to me
just eat another pie
we really move to Qatar, I wanna be your friend!
I am a German Muslim woman and usually find it hard to find friends that speak German or English and have the same interests (Religion for example) like me... at least here in Lebanon.
If you want send me your Email and I will contact you in case we move to Qatar.
:) PandaGirl
Welcome linaah to Qatar and QL
hope you enjoy your life here..
Thanks Qatar!!
Hi,Salam Alaykom,Shereen.thank you and welcome to qatar living too you too.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
Thank you,Nao and welcome to you,too.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
InsheAllah.Thank you.I am having fun and i hope you are also enjoying your time here too and ancious to meet you,insheAllah,soon.Yasalam,friends,InsheAllah forever,welcome and hope you have a happy and good day,InsheAllah.Please give me your email and contact info.InsheAllah.Masalama.your friend,Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
Thank you prettyice.I like your pretty sparkle angel logo,but im afraid of the horns.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
Thank you.Im really having a good time here,AlhamdoAllah.My answere to your question about the lighthouse,is I think it is beautiful,AlhamdoAllah,just like the design and architecture of it,the feature it has and where it is located.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
Hi,Salam Alaykom Sarah,Im so happy for you,AlhamdoAllah,Mabrook for your marriage and i would love to keep in touch and know you too,ancious too meet you,InsheAllah.I will keep you in my prayers,InsheAllah.Have a happy and good day,InsheAllah.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
Yes,AlhamdoAllah,a very beautiful good place.InsheAllah ,I will for sure.Amen.Thank you and God bless you.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
Yay,Im back home,AlhamdoAllah,yasalam Im so happy and ancious to meet you and go with you to islamic meetings,InsheAllah,but AlhamdoAllah i dont have transfortation.Im sorry,when i can get transfortation then i will love to go with you,InsheAllah.I miss hearing from you.Please reply back soon,InsheAllah.Thank you.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
InsheAllah,Thank you.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
Thank you,I know it will be a pleasent stay with all the
wanderful good Qatariens like you,AlhamdoAllah.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
Hi,Thank you,I know i will to,InsheAllah,because i have hope,trust in God and prayers.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
salam alikom......i only learnt that today.
Hello Linah,
I hope you are having fun and enjoying your time here,
I want to be ur frined.. is it possible?
When the power of love overcomes the love of power,
the world will know PEACE!
-Jimi Hendrix.
Hello Linah,
I hope you are having fun and enjoying your time here,
I want to be ur frined.. is it possible?
When the power of love overcomes the love of power,
the world will know PEACE!
-Jimi Hendrix.
too much light!
anyway...welcome in QL!
Thank you Nadt QL Cofee..that would be great.
welcome dear
welcome to qatar living
welcome to qatar living
Welcome to Qatar... Hope you have a great time here..
I am curious.. What is the fascination with Lighthouses ???
Is it the design, architecture, remoteness ???
Lina and Sarah..Why dont you both join the QL coffee for mums/ladies and meet other mums in Qatar..
Heres the link of your interested
Hi, I am a muslim wife too and just got married recently. Good luck and would be nice knowing you.
Vegas,excuse me?? and may I know when is this "Pasta night"? pasta coming with salmon and lobster(Insha'Allah)?? :)
Thank you for the link.I like this link,AlhamdoAllah.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
Thank you.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
Myspace Ange
welcome to Qatar. wish you a pleasent moment.
Ayah,Can you please give me some contact your email add.,etc.InsheAllah.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
Im very happy to be your friend and very happy get to see you and go to the gatherings and enjoy learning islam and arabic,InsheAllah,but right now im visiting my family in Louisiana for about 2months maybe,InsheAllah,but im ancious to hear and see you soon,InsheAllah.Thank you. Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
if you looking for practising muslim friend your very welcome pm me for contact..will invite you for our lectures,gatherings,and we have reading quran evry week,memorising quran, learning arabic..inshaallah..
AlhamdoAllah,and im always very happy to hear about Islam and meet new friends,InsheAllah.Thank you.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
Al Hamdu lillah, Qatar is a good place you can find lot of good friends here and u will find lot of chances to spend your time in the path of Islam.
Had my things ready. Do you have a table-top warmer?
Thank you.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
Why ask this question?I post in social and thats what im doing is socializing,AlhamdoAllah.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
Don't forget about Pasta night...
You can't teach experience
Vegas. Are you sure you are posting in the proper thread?
You can't teach experience
hi linah,
enjoy the qatar u will find soon new frinds here
Yasalam.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
( The english meaning to your arabic is,There is no God but Allah,he is the only one true God.) Thank you.Im ancious to meet her,InsheAllah.Please send me her email or some kind of contact info,InsheAllah, so i can meet her.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
Thank you.Linah-''LIGHTHOUSEDREAMER''Follow the lighthouse light to Islam.
InsheAllah You will find soon.