Relocated and settling in

By Khalidadam •
Hello all,
I've just relocated into Doha a week ago and I'm getting used to the heat / humidity. Are there any football teams or leagues starting up after the weather cools down or after the summer is over?
Any handy pointers or tips will be well received.
Hey Jaideep,
I didn't mean anything professional, just to play it for fun and fitness. The food here is far to good and will undoubtedly expand the waistline.
I'll scan the local papers too.
There are many clubs, just go through the local news papers and visit the clubs in respective areas, like Ak Sadd, Rayyan etc
There are many clubs, just go through the local news papers and visti the clubs in respective areas, like Ak Sadd, Rayyan etc
With Best Regards and thanks
Jaideep Pandey