Ramadam Mens Fitness Classes at ASPIRE!

By qatarengine •
Hi There,
Just found out there is a new mens fitness program at Aspire sports Academy. Its running during Ramadam and has group fitness, kickbox fitness and spinning classes. Also I saw it had yoga, tai chi, kung fu, wing chun and muay thai boxing.
I spoke to one of the staff there Giovanni and he gave me his card. Any questions his email is: [email protected] or ph: 4136288.
I have also attached the Ramadan timetable from the Aspire website.
Ok stay healthy
Can anyone share some information on these classes? I emailed this Giovanni person but haven't got any response. Cheers
Hi Jewelle/qatarengine,
can you share more info on these classes. Like the timings the coaches etc. I am at present taking some classes on Taekwandoo at the Korean Taekwandoo Center near Ramada Hotel. Its actually pretty good and neat. Great instructors and they make the classes quite lively. But do share with us more info on your classes.
" Life is not a party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance! "
does one need to pay for these classes and if so how much?? where does one register and how do you reach the right building? cant access the map on the site. appreciate if these details can be provided.
I am already attending,some classes are joint ones, males and females, such as yoga and kickboxing,they r so much fun..come along,you will love it!
I notice a few foreigners spell it as Ramadam. It's RamadaN :P with an N
Can't download the attachment, I'm being denied access. What's wrong?
kool....hey ny idea if there's nythin of the same for females??