R u afraid of heights? Think again...

So are you afraid of heights? Think again....
26-year-old Kiev ekstremal Paul, hiding under the pseudonym Mustang Wanted, recently became the star of the global Internet. He calls himself a tracer, and his hobby – Freerunning – the art of movement and overcoming obstacles in difficult urban terrain
Check out his pics
BB, committing suicide and living on the edge are two very different scenarios. :)
he is afraid of death... thats why he is not letting go... there are many who are not afraid of death...
So where does he stand?...lol
yup for that hanging part u require muscles and a lot of practice ..but still its too risky !!!
i'm not acrophobe; but will never even stand on the edge of the roof like the other man in the first pic, let along hanging in the void!
Its for real Storm... I would love to be up there :)
... but cant really do the hanging part, thats scary :@
if not photshopped ... then remarkable....
yes! i have acrophobia!
Surreal, DM... One small mistake surely he will plunge to his death! His risk ! His life's choice.