QL Virtual Book Club

Hope all good.
I have been thinking about this for a long time.
I don't ask you to be disconnected from real life socialising as we already have a book group, book club 1 from Zahira and book club two by Tinker but not all of us are comfortable with meetings etc as some of us very busy and some of us have time but don't like meeting new people, some of us are very introvert and have considered themselves as socially awkward personalities. Considering all these factors I would like to have a virtual book club where we don't have to meet somewhere and discuss , we can just do it here online.
We will follow the Democratic Principles and will read books accordingly and we will discuss it as we go or after we finish reading it. As we will be using QL as media, we will surely be following their basic guidelines.
Your inputs are welcome.
Check your inbox :) , please.
WHat day it should be..any day?
Wowww it is thursday already.. life is melting very fast..
Well so what time we all are free? :)
One meeting after we finish one or few books.. each meeting one moderator to moderate the discussion panel. Everyone of us will be involved.
Good Morning n1v9n, it is going to be very simple. We will choose a book and will read it say in two weeks or a month and then after we finish reading we will discuss about it like how did you enjoy it or your thoughts and reviews about it , anything which had impact on your learning, thoughts, and impact on society, will recommend it to others etc..
So how does it work ?
Yes my dear. No worries. :) Availability and convenience will surely be considered. :) The Entries deadline is on Thursday and then we will choose a day/time which is convenient for all of us. :)
make a note: some might find it convenient during office hours...some after office hours.
I suggest keep it on friday or saturday which are weekend time and easier for all to be available :)
Yes my dear. No worries. :) Availability and convenience will surely be considered. :)
discussion should be done after office hour.
i can't most of the time in QL during office hour. hehehhe...
1. MM ( I am not sure it was Y/N but I will take it as Yes).
2. Zafirah
3. Boxbe
4. N1v9n
5. Omaise
6. Goes to a girl I don't remember her name but got an email.
7. LLR
8. Handsome_Prince
Boxbe - PM group will be created on Thursday. In Sha Allah. :) and it will be only for announcements and reminders. Discussions will be done here. :) It is good to be virtual but not so private. :)
Count me in dear..
llr bhai...did u create a PM group...it is more easier and convenient :)
A warm welcome to the Entries
1. MM ( I am not sure it was Y/N but I will take it as Yes).
2. Zafirah
3. Boxbe
4. N1v9n
5. Omaise
6. Goes to a girl I don't remember her name but got an email.
7. LLR
Will wait for more entries.
We will have a moderator ( Not like Mr.MOD in QL), s/he will moderate the discussion panel, and will plan the way we will discuss and will conclude the meeting. Part of the moderator's job is to choose the next book by votes and choose a moderator for the next book, so that everyone can get a chance. One book - one moderator. :)
You are requested to have your inputs as well.
Like we discuss current affairs , we will be discussing some books.
No need to share your name, mobile, social media or show up physically.
However I will make a PM group just to use it as mail merge :))
Lol No Venue my dear. The real beauty of this club is it is completely virtual. No physical meetups. :)
for any meeting please make a PM group for those who are interested and any thing related to venue / date / day / time should be done only thru that PM group or lets say QL BOOK PM GROUP :)
Wowww great. :)
Will wait for more entries till Thursday Morning. In Sha Allah.
We can have our first virtual meeting on Thursday and will discuss it around 12 midday.
Is it ok with everyone?
This looks good... Hope this will Kick-off.... Hope it wont fail like Book Club I and II...
I am in LLR Bhai...
me too .
so definitely - no meet ups.
Im akways there for u bro....so count me in too...i wished we could i mean qlers do more meet ups
count me in.
There are 2 book clubs ALREADY?
fresh idea .... seems interesting .....