Qatari Jail

I have seen in morning someone was asking details about condition of Qatari jails. Thought I would share this info but since I was busy couldn’t comment on it.
My friend was very unfortunate to been in Qatari jail almost one month for a sponsorship law violation and now went back to his country. He described it was really horrible experience in jail. There are few important things he mentioned to me; according to his perception of course.
1. Large number of prisoners were Packed/accommodated in a very low capacity/facility.
2. Poor Hygiene level of premises were enough for him to get virus fever within first week. / like people spit around all over around even in living space.
3. It seems they do have some kind of inspections for premises, which they would do temporary cleaning for common areas and arrangement just to please the inspector.
4. There are prisoners who make lot of money inside jail by renting their smuggled mobile phone services to others and selling cigarettes/ other tobacco products inside jail for double or triple of its market price. Likewise they charge 10 riyals just for giving one miss call from their phone and to receive call. / Most of the time when police catch any one and put in jail they usually don’t get a chance to inform any of his friends/family and obviously phones will be seized during arrest except their wallet.
5. In the canteen guys were actually serving food from big cooking vessel to plate with their bare hand; without any spoons/ utensil.
6. Very often there are huge clashes between different groups like sri lankans, Egyptians, Nepalese, Indians, etc.
7. Majority of prisoners from srilanka and Nepal / may be his observance from only the particular jail compound / session where he was.
8. His first 4 days he couldn’t use bathroom since he was busy in puking each time he looked in and witnessed of NICE ambience. Then he was left with no option and got used to it. Hmmm…Poor guy.
So, all you guys outta there be good boys & girls; don’t violate any law. Don’t get caught for any nasty. Stay safe & Enjoy.
Hi, sir/madam
My freind is in alrayan jai for more zhan 1week. So can i meet him?? What is The process to meet my freind? He caught for working in shop after 7 pm.
Not to make light of the matter, but it's a jail. Haven't you watched Prison Break or Oz or any other movie like that? What you're describing is exactly the way jails are pictured in American movies.
And I wouldn't want to imagine what an Asian jail looked like....
That being said, being jail anywhere must suck!
well. i would say it is almost normal life of thousands of labours in Doha...even out of jail...
1. Large number of prisoners were Packed/accommodated in a very low capacity/facility. - that's how thousands of labours live in their camps
6. Very often there are huge clashes between different groups like sri lankans, Egyptians, Nepalese, Indians - that's what happens once in a while even on QL, no need to go to jail for it (nationalities might be different)
7. Majority of prisoners from srilanka and Nepal - that's where majority of labours from..
2 (people split), 4(one prisoner charging another one for the small services) and 7 (people make a mess in the bathrooms) ... well.. this is prisoners' type of behavour.. not to blame the prison on it.. and sure, not to expect someone to go and clean the premises after them...
thread sniper! :)
So, all you guys outta there be good boys & girls; don’t violate any law. Don’t get caught for any nasty. Stay safe & Enjoy.