Qatar Living Social Group Outing to Fuwairit.

Arrived in FFC about 8.10 am … Sent text to DaRuDe that I am there. Shortly I saw a guy with his 4 leg friend in the other side of FFC’s carpark. I wonder who ‘that guy’ is. It was ‘that guy’. Also we did not realize Johny Bravo coming along, turn out to be Vegas
Gradually everybody arrived one by one. I recognize Greeker, Corne, Gypsy Gal, King Edshel, Scarlett, Owen for the time being. Eventually getting to know all the other familiar names on QL ie : Kelly Heroes, Baedabok and his little girl, DJ Snake (DJ Sanke?), City Gal and the family, Jarreau (spelling?) and her hubby …
We left the car park just after 9.15 am … in total we had 18 car in convoy.
First destination is farm house Oasis belongs to DaRuDe’s friend. It felt like a little bit of far east in the middle of the desert, so green. Had a breakfast there and next we set off into the camel farm.
Few kids had fun did a camel ride … , my son and gypsy gal’s son and the rest of big kids. Greeker and DJ Sanke had most fun. Lots of piccies time and what nice hosts.
Next trip to the beach … some vehicles went ahead at the speed of light, some of us followed on at a more sedate 130km!!!! On reaching Fuwairit, it was all hands to the pump getting busy as we claimed our bit of coast line with chairs, beach mats and tents. Some ventured down to the sea for a paddle and a bit of ‘man meets nature time’ before returning to the ‘camp’ for food and chat.
[img_assist|nid=72095|title=who is who?|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
BBQ was soon a light and everybody was eating, the big communal contribution of food was shared with a bit of everything for everybody.
Thanks to the ‘chefs’ who huffed and puffed to get the fires alight and then did a good job cooking.
It was nice to talk one on one with all the ‘names’ previously not met on QL. Everybody seemed a lot nicer than they sometimes appear to come over on the forum. It seems there was somebody from all four corners of the World ……….. maybe somebody can comment on how many different nationalities there actually were?
[img_assist|nid=72445|title=food time 1|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=387|height=259]
It turned a bit chilly, coats and jumpers soon came out and people started to drift off home one by one.
What a great day with great people, roll on next time.
Big thumbs up to DaRude and the rest of the gang who made it happen.
For those who not a member on Qatar Living Social Group … you are most than welcome to join us. This group is the perfect place to make friend or meet people, especially when you are a newbie in Doha. Either single or with your family.
Do check the requirement to join the group … here I copy paste the rules :
Acceptance into the Social Group will be determined by the time period you have been a member of QL, and the number of points you have accumulated.
Please don't expect approval if you have been a member for longer than two weeks, but have less than 50 points.
Points = posts, and posts = insight into your character. Your input on the General forum determines your status within the group.
So anyone out there want to tag along with the next outing, hurry up and get posting and subscribe to the group.
You can't teach experience...
hahahahahah that guy is obviously that guy with the dog hahahahahah
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
Could someone label the folks in two of Novita77's shots? In particular have a lot of faces that I'm not too sure about (1 (thatguy, Cornellian, ???), food time 1).
this one is really interestin....
didnt have much clue abt it. it looks like i really missed it out :-((
i wud try my best to be IN next time. will there be one in near future?
keep up the good work folks!
heard so much abt them cookies i must go on one of them trips to try them out fo>drooling already
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Scar, you will have to make them the staple food of all the
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
Perhaps I'll try to enjoy one of the future events :)
<-- Cost of Living, Visas, Safety Info, Tips, Pics, Vids and m
yes got the message, your name is Jeff
You can't teach experience...
OK I did the fotki thing...QLVEGAS
Will upload the pics tomorrow....
Send me a pm with E mail if you want the kid riding the camel video.
Or if someone knows how to upload it somewhere....
You can't teach experience...
I didn't have to steal the cookies...
They were all already in my belly...:)
Snickerdoodles YAY...Thx Scarlet....
Brought me back to my childhood days with grandma...
I have cool video of the kid riding the camel...
Is there a way to post or send???
You can't teach experience...
Next time you should tag along with us. But in the meantime you have to keep posting and register to the Social Group.
I would like to catch up with you and your hubby + kiddies again.
i would be if you will make me cookies....didn't you know that that was the only food i chowed down (decently) that time?.....and yet you gave them all to this very healthy martinez?......sigh...
im much feeling better know....thanks again to your meds...btw, the capsule indeed made me sleep....but makes me as well sleepy during the day...:P (i know have a sleeping "med" to buy and abuse taking..j/k)
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
I just didn't want to take them home as my diet started the next day..and I am a sucker for chocolate now I am duly chastised...won't do that litle blue flower has are you doing owen..feeling better??
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
and its lovely...lots of veggies and trees growing, animals..looks to be one of those farms that is self sufficent...
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Wow... I'm so jealous to see all of you having fun... :)
I wish I was there.... :/
Is the house oasis in qatar ? so greeeen....
I have to accumulate point asap... but what I have to say ? :/
Are there any hackers around? Who can steel the points of all the members and add it to my user ID? I will pay them of sure ;-)
lol up to now GG's comment on me on that day lingers...."i never expected you to be like this owen" so errrrr..what and how do you expect me to be?....and as explained the blue flower was sick that day....
but hey GG, we were talking about how handsome your kid is.....he is really... you you....your "friend" must have enjoyed that cookies huh? time you will not ever gonna touch even a single cookie...and mom scarlett, how coul you only consider giving those all yummy cookies ONLY to could have gave only a piece and think of us....:P ..but i know its done...but next time got a long line of cookie monsters here....
Novi..i did received all the photos...thank you..all lovely, it shows how much fun we enjoyed from the trip....
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
impressive shots
thanks for the highlights
Hey Novi good job..nice pictures, those who were not there will get a very clear picture of our trip. It was indeed nice meeting all of you. …some of you I have met before and most of you for the first time. We really had a great fulfilled trip. Our kids really troubled thatguy’s dog.....she is a very friendly dog.
Big thanks to our dear MR. DARUDE and others who made this happen. We had a great time. Next time we should go somewhere near so that we will get more time together. I don’t want to miss out anyone’s name so I am not giving out names here. All you guys where awesome. Cornie is such a sweetie pie.
kamze kay dee...
you havent tell the palce till now,,,,
deira merabani......
tapos makawa seda raza neko
Gham ma kawa....
i will be with you in the next outing....
can i join u in the bowling night....
za mara khuwar mashay khabari kay ao razay na
the pics are awesome...thank you! love the narrative too!!
Ok, have to say that Martinez and his friend actually asked if they could take the cookies and I said yes since everyone was in the process of no throwing seashells at them next time you see them!
Da...once rock as trip setter upper...
Greeker..hon, didn't know you were ill!!! Had I known that, I would have gotten out my sleeping bag and rolled you up in it to keep you toasty warm. Or given you more chili with a ton of chili pepper on it..that will kill or cure you!!
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
i will love to join the i m member for last 1 year
but for the posts.....
acess to internet from 7am to 3am during office hour only....
too much work on head to post regularly.....
as there any other criteria to join your group......
will try my best to post (at the cost of my job) and am looking forward to the next QL outing......
That guy, you were laughing at me, sniff sniff!
Some great photos - lovely camels!
Looks fantasic - Great Sir DaRuDe for organising this one! :)
i know whay you are on the good mood. I would be laughing like you if i havent seen my family for months, and then knowing the time is coming for them to join me.
its ok novi im done laughing...
i was in a good mood today... so what can i say...
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
Looks like you guys had alot of fun, wish i wasnt busy thursday night working on Asian indoor championship badges. I will join u guys for the bowling most likely if I wont be caught up with the championship.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
stop laughing !!!
well i must say... if i was you martinez... i would have taken the cookies too hahahahahahahahahahaah
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
Corny/Novi !
Got cookie poisoned today coz of Scaro....had them as starters, main course and then for desserts :-p
Corny....dont forget the cookie which i gave u as i was leaving was suppose to be a TIP to hide my grand theft.
And now you are exposing me here ???????
You annoy the Pirate of the Cookie-bean... :-)
"You forgot one very important thing mate... I'm Captain Jack Sparrow...Now stop blowing holes in my ship"
Think Global...Act Local !
Looks like he was yelling "Yeeeeeehaw!" lol.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
i was laughing at your comment about the cowboy... hahahahaha
it was funny how scared he was ... yet he was brave enough to throw up one hand... i think he was actually the only person besides the little kid to ride the camel with only oe hand... ahhahahahahahahaha
i think everyone else had white nuckles hahahahahah
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
that guy ... did somebody tickling your tummy ?
Yes you are right ... When people asked in the shop (those nosey shop keeper) i just told them that I am a MONGOLIAN !!! lol.
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
Indonesian right, and yes I did have to check your profile, my first guess was out, and so would of been my second, if I had got a chance.
i think he imagine himself as a cowboy
this photo was really funny
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
corne ... i have send you the full set of the photos.
LOL Novi, u added my name! I didn't get upset, I just like teasing u :P
Great pics by the way, I can't wait till u put up the entire album on facebook :D
Actually AJ, we more like thinking "would be funny if a tide came in and blew that idiot away" lol
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
yes ... i will hunt Martinez down ... how dare he is not sharing Scarlett's cookie ... grrrr...
@Corne ... i knew i forgot something ... i met so many people and hard to remember everybody. My husband already reminded me i am going to upset people who i forgot to mention on the thread
@Absolute Jaguar ... did not talk much to you on that trip. I am sure by now you know where is my home country , hv you check my profile yet?
Thanks Novi, was good to see you, I like the one of me in the middle of the sea, and everyone else standing around on the shore going 'what's that idiot up to' lol
Martinez, I would hide if I were u. Everyone's going to hunt u down for running away with the cookies mwahahah
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
Novi !
Nice pics indeed...especially the one in which I walk like some model ;-p Good Job !
Din forget that small chat we had sitting on those easy chairs (which was literally grabbed from Alexa)...lolz ! Was perfect for a Rothman !
Think Global...Act Local !
so are u saying u didn't recognise me ?? :P
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield