Pregnancy can’t stop me going to London

Thought you would interested. :)
Pregnancy can’t stop one Malaysian Olympic shooter from heading to London this summer. Nur Suryani Mohamed Taibi is a pregnant 29-year-old who is completing a number of record firsts as she trains to compete in the 2012 London Olympics. The New York Times reports that Nur Suryani is the first woman to represent Malaysia in shooting—and she’s also the first pregnant woman to compete in the summer Olympics. She is eight months pregnant and her only concern is that the baby's kicking can disturb her shooting but she said she will talk to the baby while competing. What is style if not her great attitude?
yr right satans prayers wouldnt be listen inside from a volcano
Oh dear! Xena, Warrior Princess, you have a valid point there :-0 Hope she's taking sufficient precautions.
Not inside a volcano they wouldn't
yr right MM right belief and prayers wud protect us anywhere in this world
always protect us everywhere we go !
however, she is putting her baby's hearing at risk, never mind that fact that aircraft carriers should never carry women who are 8 months pregnant.
Friend of ours back home was a race car driver... his wife used to go down and support him in the pits, including during her whole first pregnancy.... baby was born deaf, with nothing to pinpoint what caused it.
With the second child, she didn't go near the track... baby has 100% hearing.
Each to there own...
who cares....
Allah is with her
Tough! That's some woman.
Please don't mind ...
The title reads like the poster of this topic herself is pregnant & still will go to London for Sports ....
But , actually it is Mrs Nur not ....
will lead her through ...
Good Going , Mrs Nur !!
TFS! Great attitude!
"..she said she will talk to the baby while competing"
I liked this part..:)
Its Olympic only once in four year, Bring it On!
good luck!
your right shaktimaan ALLAH Subhanavatalah is with her and inshallah with all of us to guide us to straight path
gud luck.............
Allah is with her. InshaAllah.
Great attitude. Go girl!
strong will power need to appreciate that