Population Dips Slightly as summer begins

By landloverreview •
Noticed the traffic on the roads easing a bit lately? That might be because Qatar’s population went down by nearly 50,000 last month, from 1.96m in May to 1.91m in June, reflecting the annual summer migration to cooler climbs.
The latest figures for June from the Qatar Statistics Authority are a snapshot of the number of nationals and expats of all ages within Qatar’s borders on the 30th of June 2013.
The migration pattern is an annual trend - Qatar’s population dipped similarly in June 2012 and 2011.
School Vacation... expat kids are going home... to play in the rain...
And for comfortable shopping in malls try Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays
Maybe because some schools close for summer vacation..
Can easily break the 300+ KmH barrier on this road..!!
Who's racing..??
Can you please mention the source?
Love that the roads are clearing now that I'm in town ;)
Naaa, did not notice it...what I DID notice though is that the mums are now taking all the offspring shopping...
I guess, In summer traffic is always slow down because many people are on vacations while the rest do not want to go out in hot.
I agree, taxi drivers became more friendly nowadays, i was bit curious finally i got noticed that they don't have enough passengers...
well the morning traffic to work is better seemingly..evenings are still the same maybe..
well, in that case, plan B
the traffic in the city still have not reduced. the figure might be more of labors than the families. or more of ppl without CARS who has migrated!!!
This year i am NOT going anywhere :'( :'(
I go on vacation but not like all, I cannot drop everything and go on a month long vacation.. not possible for me.. many factors to consider :(
nad, how about summer vacation?
Practically u r true but emotionally I think about all the fun I would be having back home, no work , no cooking, shopping..awww.nostalgic..:)
It is not sad..if u dont have a job u would have been more sad. :)
I agree it went down. All the kids are school free so the moms and kids packed their bags and went to their respective homelands. Sadly people like me are left behind :(
and worse at evening
Where is the traffic easing. At 8 PM yesterday also the traffic on C-Ring road was too much.
But the population grew by 11.2% over last year June.