By Faisal Alshaibani •
My name is Faisal and im searching for anyone from germany ,who will be intrested in language exchange,i need to practice my german language because i dont want to forget what i learned in germany...i will be happy to exchange my Arabic(mother toung) or English language.
please contact me if you are from germany or speak perfect german ,and we can arrange somthing together
No, Faisal, I only judged from her comments. There are quite some spelling and grammar mistakes. Never mind.
Hi , I speak german fluent ,so if u r intersted contact me..
hi do you have more infos about stammtisch und kindergarten
thanks MagicDragon,but why you are speaking about sophie like this do you know here??
im not asking for a reguler time but at least once a month ,so i can practice speaking and not writing...
Ich wuerde nicht unbedingt empfehlen, Deutsch von sophie zu lernen. Sie macht eine Menge Fehler. Leider habe ich nicht genuegend Zeit fuer regelmaessige Treffen. Viel Glueck.
Hallo kann wir uns treffen in einem Café oder einem resturant wie eine Zeit pro Woche oder jeden Monat, Reden ist das Ding das ich wirklich brauche, ich habe viele Freunde in Deutschland, dass ich an schreiben kann, und ich kann Sie auch ein Arabisch Wörter lehren
please sent a email to [email protected]. From there I will be able to help you with both questions. The kindergarden and the speeking.
I would also like to keep up my Germany skills! My son (born in Germany, mother tongue) and I (native English speaker) will arrive in Qatar early in the new year. I would like my son to go to a German Kindergarten but have heard no reply from the emails sent to the one I found:( Any tips. He is 3.5 yrs old. Is there anything like a German-English Stammtisch in Doha or is this a ridiculous question????
ich freue mich sie kennenzulernen.
wenn sie moechten, gerne ich mit Ihnen auf deutsch zu chatten.
when you speak with other persons you keep your ACCENT very good and you can be more fluent when speaking.... thanks anyway
use you comp and yachoo chating from you own country people