Party at Qube on Friday the 25th of April

By dacount1229 •
Is anyone going to Qube this Friday? There is a guy coming from the states to put on a show he is a part of the G-Unit group. Rumor has it that someone else from G-unit might show up I don't know who and I have been calling back to my buddies in New york to see if they know. Maybe 50 cent will show his face he is always in the middle east doing shows with his group.
Its not a beach party at the intercon, its paloma ala playa, its different.. less people, restricted ticket sales..
- Check this video, he is live in doha on thursday night at the diplo...
Last Thursday was BEACH PARTY 1...
BEACH PARTY 2 & 3 is this Thursday AND FRIDAY....both in Intercon...
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -Eleonor Roosevelt
Is there a beach party this friday also at the Intercon? There was one just this past friday?
let's find out on Friday...
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -Eleonor Roosevelt
I didn't say he was coming but there is someone else from g-unit that is coming with him as a surprise. Like i said 50 cent has done about 5 concerts in the middle east so it wouldn't surprise me to see him. That's how he is with his new artists. He goes to the first couple of there ventures to get the buzz going.
are you serious 50cent coming to cube doha?? no way man..
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
That FRIDAY coincides with the BEACH PARTY at Intercon...
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -Eleonor Roosevelt
I hope there will be some events like this from the 13th - 18th may during my stay in Doha...