Pakistan’s first LGBT Politician

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
Stereotyped as dancers, beggars and prostitutes, Pakistan’s vibrant but shunned transgender community is striking out into politics with individuals contesting elections for the first time.
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It's a bit simplistic to say that everyone is born either a male or a female. There are a tiny number of people born with ambiguous s ex organs.
It reminds me of the Indian runner Santhi Soundarajan who came to compete for India at the Asian Games in Doha. After winning a silver medal in a women's race a test revealed that she wasn't technically a woman, and was later stripped of her medal.
Brit:So they can wear a bikini without looking funny in it?
But I was born with a D ): i'm a D-gender! -_-
On a more serious note:
I think the people that UK-Engineer is talking about should be classified as "intersexed" rather than (transgendered)
Yes an (Intersexed) person is born that way which is a quite rare condition.
The Rest of the transgendered people ideally should have all the physical anatomy of one gender (either fully developed male or female gentiles) and the mindset of the opposite gender.
A good example for the later is “ Lady Gaga” O_o!
I am not the subject matter expert but as per my info, some are born that way and some start to behave like "that" to beg and earn money ....
Oh for goodness sake. There are some who get themselves castrated to lead the life of their choice. Do a little research ..
Kareena74 its the hormones that control the sexual organs that cause the confusion not the sexual organs themselves everyone is born with either a P or a V..:)
Are they really born that way? I never heard of anyone born without his sexual organs? I always thought they were abducted and castrated by force and then made to beg..
castration!!!! EWWWW!
Why would anyone want to be castrated?!
That's so crazy!
They are referred as Eunuch, some which are born that way and some opt for the castration to become an Eunuch!
I'm not really sure what you just said but this is what I know when it comes to Transgender anatomy.
A male-to-female transwoman cannot give birth, and female-to-male transmen cannot impregnate people.
Definitely not the first!
Though they are tolerated as dancers/entertainers at weddings and other social celebrations where men are strictly segregated from women.
Trans dancers still have to fend off groping from drunken guests.