Out On the Town with the Girls

I just found this forum (and just arrived in country) and I am looking for a place to go for a girls' night out. We are Western and like to dance and have the occasional adult beverage. I have heard that one must have a membership to get into all the clubs. What is involved in getting a membership? Also, what is a good night to go out?
Rules are a guideline for intelligent people, but they must be adhered to by idiots.
winburger? Redonkulous? Thank you for representing so thoroughly the West Side, jesse!
Not one bar her in Doha is one I would choose to go to if I were home in Ottawa, Canada. However, in a world of cheesy bars with 90% men and 15 Dollar beers, I would choose the most silly and asian and redonkulous bar available... Which seems to be CUBE.
I think its a miss understanding, I go out to be silly and have fun. Not sure what your motivations are.
Rules are a guideline for intelligent people, but they must be adhered to by idiots.
Heh, still amazing... I think I might have seen these girls once at the bar above from the Irish Harp last year when I was in town. I just put my failsauce on /b/urger and now I haz winburger. Laul.
It wasn't a dance party in the sense of you go and get your groove on. Rather, a stage was set up by the cinema and Virgin Megastore and they had a dance troupe performing choreographed routines. It was a little something for everyone.
I 'live' (am staying) literally across the street... I want moar!
/-a-t-/ jesseburcsik : sorry to hear about your failsauce. Next time should be better (in sha' allah)
On a related note, I went to the Villaggio last night and was surprised at the dance concert festivities. What exactly is it about young, Filipino girls wearing spaghetti-strap tank-tops and short skirts, doing Beyonce dance moves to "I want you and only you" says Muslim holiday? You be the judge!
/-a-t-/ Jack and Sand:
You both sounds pretty jaded. A dance club full of filipinos singing shaggy is prolly hella funny. Why would you walk out on that? I would probably laugh so hard I would pee my self... just a little. lol. But leave because of that? Clearly you guys can't see the silver lining in this place.
/-a-t-/ Khawaga : I fail at clubbing in Doha, I went to the Cube last night at like 10 only to find it is closed. Serves me right for not checking QL before I left, I was drunk and excited with no here to go :(
Hey ,
Enjoy the music and ya wine!
And so true to say james_w , 1 night a year is not good to talk about. who would want tree monkeys to look at me anyway, i do have some pride. but if you like tree monkeys have a good time at the Qube
Rules are a guideline for intelligent people, but they must be adhered to by idiots.
Trust me it was hillarious... All the filipinos in there were staring at me as to why am I laughing.. I dragged my friend out of there and never went back...
Eclectic list of countries. I think I'm going to have to check this place out!
Filipinos singing Shaggy? Awesome! You can't do Shaggy justice without that accent!
India, UAE, Qatar, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Mauritius, China and Newzealand. They are the 10 countries I have been to and first thing I do is check out the night clubs..
I mean no offense to the filipinos but there was a filipino singing shaggy's songs and the crowd was cheering. I just burst out laughing and walked out of there...
Really?? Over 500 clubs in 10 countries and this is the worst? Sounds dubious. What are the countries you are talking about, if I may ask?
This is really a weird day but I agree with Jackfrost again..
Qube is the worst night club I have ever been to and I have experience of over 500 night clubs across 10 different countries...
i think jackfrost thinks cube sucks becuase the girls just dont look at him!! thanks for your opinion but at halloween..there was 1200 people all having a great time dancing to the tunes of jose kray!!! maybe you just need to lighten up, take some friends out and actually have fun?
yeah GET LOW will be on..its an RnB night!
PS. The Qubes a shit hole.. only philipino girls looking for pick ups with Arabs or Indians.. shit hole of a place
.. would not be seen dead in there,, have some class...
Rules are a guideline for intelligent people, but they must be adhered to by idiots.
I think the clubs are closing early tonight for the holiday.
Eh, turns out I am going tonight... Whats the vibe at Cube like on a Thursday night?
@ cabincrew...it's sad that someone like yourself who supposedly travels around the world has that point of view but then we're all entitled to ours so let's agree to disagree on this one...this town has a handful of bars that are stuck somewhere between the 80's & the 90's,there are no specific theme places like a retro bar,a lounge bar,an ibiza style chill out bar,a wine bar,etc...i could go on but i know you get exactly what i'm saying...although you'd never admit it now but that's fine,i wouldn't either...a question if i may,if,as you insist ALL bars are the same all over the world,why would people spend a significant sum of money to go on one of these???... http://www.worldsbiggestpubcrawl.com/
not all bars have "crew night" is what you're probably trying to say & i do agree to that...go out with a good group of friends & you will have a laugh,agree to that as well but that's true irrespective of where one goes isn't it?...however,how does that make ALL the bars the same all over the world?...as for winding my neck in,this is a public forum last time i checked,don't like someone that's not of the same opinion as yours? try some neck exercises then,it helps...
crip walking?? Hahahaha!!! I haven't heard that term in awhile. I can't wait to see your crip walk, campbell!
Is it a hiphop night? Thatd be too perfect! I will rip you up on the dance floor! haha, that would be fun to have a crimp jamm
oh yeah, i heard joseykray is spinning for the night at the QUBE! i might head there too, Need to do some crip walking on lil-wayne!
I've been here (Doha) before and am back for a few weeks. I must say this has been the most positive and entertaining forum thread I've seen on QL in my small QL career.
I'm thinking of going to cube tomorrow, get liquored up at home, taxi there, dance and generally be silly. If your there say hi to me, male or female I'm just looking for pals... I am a really short white guy who needs alot of space to dance! My name is Jesse.
When its all girls out at night.. its girls night out... SIMPLE
Thank you campbell.
Anyone going tonight?
Jus gave a call, its open tonight , its the ladies night
Contact no : 4844444
Have fun!
Is Paloma open tonight? I thought I read that it was closed today, but now I can't find that. Any thoughts? Anyone going?
Wind your neck in! Thats my View! And yes all the bars in the world are the same, you have all the same people no matter what type of bar it is! Like I said go out with a good group of friends and you will have a laugh.
You remember Woodstock, too, Dolly?
woodstock style!?!?? woodstock style?!!!? can i come?!!?!? can i come?!?!!? :P :P :D :D
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
Oh, believe me, brit, we are ladies who don't DO tupperwear! What we do is let our hair down and DANCE!
Mandi: I think I need to see your dance style!
Campbell: I will send you a note.
looks like all the bars will be closed tomo , as its the Arafat day !
Damn! i neeed my JD!!!!!!
I have heard rumours of these goings on and am very interested, nay intrigued.
Are these the ones where you sell tupperware and lingerie also ?
Oh yeah , its located between the American school and the Doha college .
If ur coming down the ramada signal , to the decoration round about. u need to take a right from there . PM me, if intrested, we can meet up
My peeps and I do private parties. No worries about what to wear, "dirty old men", there's no smoking, good food, cheap beverages and best of all we can dance anyway we like! Believe me, we wouldn't last five minutes with our dance style out on the town.
The problem (for me) has been finding a partner who knows how to salsa and doesn't mind dancing with a freakishly tall white chick. Yes, we CAN shake it! Sunday night at Paloma? Sounds VERY doable to me!
Campbell: Rugby club sounds like fun. Where is it? Shall we meet up?
i love latin dancing, is there a membership also in Paloma?
what about Salsa dancing?? do yo like Latin rythms?? Merengue, Salsa, and some tropical music??
Then try to make it to Paloma @ Intercon on Sat & Sun night after 10 pm. (mostly on Sunday night)
thanks ")
...listen to the sound of silence....
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
yeah, a big name... bills would be delivered to your doorstep then
a question, we need to have a membership card too?
...listen to the sound of silence....
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
ah sharq? sharq it is. sorry. may we have your good name then sir?
...listen to the sound of silence....
It's just before Marriott...Its a must visit place...Just tell them you are my friends and you might get a discount.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
well, i must say qatar have its highlights at night then...what with all this bars names. must try paloma and irish harp. crystal lounge is cool
...listen to the sound of silence....
they told me its near marriott hotel. and they also have offers of 2hours unlimited drinks at the rate of 150qr with foods/person. succeeding hours are charged differently afterwards. Good for occassions though or if you just want to get drunk w/in 2hours lol
...listen to the sound of silence....
Where's Shark Hotel? Sounds good.
James.. I've told you about going out and not taking me!!;)
aside from those abovementioneds, somebody told me there's a bar in shark hotel, wherever that is...overlooking the beach as well
...listen to the sound of silence....
Asakamokadto - u need to have a membership , need to register it on www.dohafrc.com .
For the time-being, i can sign in 2 of my guests, its a nice place!
And oh yeah! u can wear your favorite trousers, no one is gonna stop u!
how to go there, rugby club?
this friday just gone?..i was there drinking like a fish!! sorry to hear that you didnt get in! there will always be more men to women here in Q,
but you want a girls night?..so next time when you leave the guys at home, you will get in anywhere!
Well Khawaga! u might wanna check out the rugby club indeed!!!!! cheap drinks... western crowd, lovely music , Its a real ghetto place!!!!
u can have ur drinks by the pool side too
hey! anyone wanna hang in with me, coming thursday at the rugby's club!
The Irish Harp is way better than a lot of the other places. The Paloma is not bad either. And generally if you say a polite , but firm, steely No Thankyou, you don't get bothered anymore. :)
@ Khawaga,you'll find the male:female ratio @ bars here WAY more skewered than most parts of the world so the risk you mentioned is a LOT higher here than elsewhere in the real world...having said that,yes compared to Sanaa,this town's like Vegas i suppose!!!...so ya,do a girl's night out go on then have a blast!!!...
@ cabincrew89 "all the bars here are like any other bars in the world no different"???...quite clearly,you'v been going to ALL the wrong bars ALL over the world,if going by your avatar i'm assuming you're cabin crew for QR or some other airline...so the question begs to be asked,out of curiosity,name a few cities & name a few bars you've been to in those cities & if i've been to those same cities,allow me to recommend some REAL bars that you ought to check out on your next layover *wink*!!...& please save the "it's not western men that are sleazy" spiel luv...the sleazy men in the bars in this town are of ALL races & nationalities,the white ones just have more money,finesse & experience so what you're trying to say is they don't SEEM as sleazy but they're just as,if not more...
James- We tried to go to the Irish Bar (in the Sheraton, yes?) last Friday but couldn't get everyone in because it was "couples' night" and we didn't have enough girls. I offered to go in and pick up a few chicks just to get the rest of our guys in, but there were almost NO other women. What's THAT about?
IRISH BAR.... spent many ryials there drinking & dancing the night away!!
on a fri after the live band, the place goes carzy, everyone seems to be having fun including me! dancing is in full swing, (maybe go there early in week to get your card sorted. then you can just walk in and consumer..)
at cube they have regular big nights...GET LOW (RnB, hip hop night) is run and its this weekend!! BIG up my man jose K who will be runing the show
Since they started the membership crap.
I see a LOT more twenty-somethings and loads more Arab and Subcontinent dudes -- for what it's worth.
And tho you do get pick-ups and come-ons everywhere you go, the non-western men here seem to lack the finesse/skill necessary to not be a complete tool when they're trying to chat you up.
"If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it between sh*t and syphilis in the dictionary."
- David Sedaris
Harp is the best and if you look like a bog woppet then you wont have to worry about advances. we have a scream in the harp.
Good and sound advice by cabincrew89.. Looks like you speaks from experience . highflyer..:)
Derek Edward Trotter
I have to say it's not the western men that are sleazy and dirty it's certain other nationalities that are and simply think because you show skin they can pay for you!
All the bars here are like any other bars in the world no different!
If you go with a good group then you will have a good night.
May be it was used in the too old days. Thats why i never heard about this fact, neither used by my parents.
Thanks for the info.
Decent-Mind: it came up in my studies of historical word usage. It's not used with Christians these days, but, as I understand (and I am no expert) this is how it was used originally.
Khawaga, Its first time to me to know that Egyptian Muslims use the word with Egyptian Christians.
Who told you that dear? :)
I even never heard any Egyptian saying it with Christians, even as we used to say it with Westerners.
More over, we say this word with westerners just as we say this guy is a Europian or American ..etc.
Not at all related to belonging or not belonging to Egypt.
Yep Eagle.. 10 days off, without doing anything at all. I think I need to go the booze souq to stock and gonna buy a new BBQ.
Plus have moved in new house so yes definately over the Eid holidays will have to get together for a pub crawl and few moves on the dance floor..:)
Derek Edward Trotter
Tarsiers, You are right, this word is an Egyptian phrase which commonly (but not allways) used among Egyptians to call westerners.
But it is deffinately not a bad word. It is just a pure local phrase.
Tarsiers, that is not entirely correct. "Khawaga" is a term used only in Egypt (no, I'm not Egyptian) and it refers to foreigners but it began as a term that Egyptian Muslims used with Egyptian Christians as a way of saying "you don't belong here." However, I have adopted the word when describing myself and we all have a good laugh.
I'm not entirely sure where the comment about small, mentally sick liars came from, but cheers!
UkEng, aren't ya going off for the Eid hols? If you're in town, catch hold of Wolfie et al and let's have a blast!
The Cookie Monster said it.
and i have been told that it is a typical Egyptian word and they are the only ones who use it to call westerners in thier country. Ladies: Always ask the guy to show up his ID before you greet him or accept his invitation. If he give you excuses, then you should know that this is nothing but a small mentaly sick liar.
with US girls........will be a good English Rugby match!
Eagle.. The last time I danced the night away was back in February.. just been so busy to get out..
I think as the festive season fast approaching will have to have a few late night outs with you girls..lol
Derek Edward Trotter
Soooo... UkEng & Britex.. when are you coming along to help us fend off the unwanted advances?
The Cookie Monster said it.
No Ladies night is Wednesday at the Paloma..
Ladies are free and Men have to pay I think around QR80 to QR100 to get in. Most of the clubs here do not charge women to enter bars or clubs..
Derek Edward Trotter
Bumpy bits? I'm going to LOVE reading your posts, britexpat!
UkEngQatar: That was sort of what I had in mind. Everyone (both genders and all races) has to deal with unwanted advances at some point. But so far, other than a few curious stares, which I've decided are due to the fact that I am unusually tall (maybe also unusually beautiful? probably not...) I have found the people in town to be quite polite and accommodating.
Have I missed what night is Ladies' Night at Paloma? Is it Thursday?
There are few a good places to go and dance the night away. Just go and enjoy yourelves and just fend off any unwanted advances as you will be well outnumbered by the species of the opposite sex..
O also agree with BritExpat, not all of us are dirty old men..lol :)
Derek Edward Trotter
Because women have bumpy bits to entice the man and should say no if he's married or has a partner.
..and have invited plenty of friends over for party and get together during eid holidays. I'am sure we can accomodate a few more. Let me know. And yes, most of them are women.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
britexpat: Me? I was quoting gadarene. I certainly didn't mean to step on any toes, being quite new here. I apologize and meant no offense.
FriedUnicorn: Unfortunately, a house party is simply not in the cards where I live. Besides, I don't know enough people (yet) to make any gathering a fully-fledged party.
...as that's my advice too. You would be far happier partying at home then anywhere else here. Most places in this town aren't worth the fuss they create around memberships,entry rules etc. Stay home with friends and do your own thing.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
I must stand up for my dear friends in QL who may not like being called "dirty old man".
Please retract this statement.
Gadarene: a "sausage factory"?? lol Too funny! Really, I just want to dance. Even the alcohol is negotiable (for me, anyway... I haven't asked the girls about that one). As for sleazy sausages and dirty old men, isn't that the risk you always take when going to a club? I wouldn't know, actually, as I've been living in Yemen for quite some time. I've been reading a lot of complaints about the night life in Doha on this site. Yemen (at least Sana'a) has literally NO night life, no clubs and no place to go out. So it will be nice (hopefully!) to get out and... do people still use the expression "shake my money maker"?
@ Khawaga...you sure we're referring to the same town?!... please be warned,EVERY single nightspot in this city is a veritable sausage factory...& they're MOSTLY sleazy sausages,in case you're wondering...i'm pretty sure they coined the term "dirty old man" in the bars of this town!!...my advice,pay a visit to the booze shop,stock up,pick a common friend's place,meet up & have a blast...if you do choose to go out,carry local ID or your passport if you haven't gotten ID yet,you'll need to q up to fill a form,they'll take a mugshot,you'll pay 20-30 odd riyals & then be allowed to enter...good luck!!
Gypsy now swims with the Polar Bears.. You may be infringing copyright laws of Saskatoon if not careful.
Ok, I've heard a lot of references to Paloma. Is it a Latin club by any chance? What night is Ladies' Night there? Does that mean that there is no cover charge or simply that that is where all the girls go?
Here is an old but useful link to Bar Guide by Gypsy:-
Derek Edward Trotter
Go to Paloma ^_^
Just make sure you have your ID with you.
Try the Crystal lounge W hotel, Sheraton Irish Harp, Paloma at the Intercon and also Qube at the Ramada hotel. All good places for Thursday night out on the town..
Derek Edward Trotter
Timebandit- I promise to finish all my chores BEFORE hitting the town. ;-P
marycatherine- Thank you for your suggestions. Where is the Harp?
Thank you, all, for the suggestions. And, since these places close around 2 or 2:30, can you recommend a place for late-night, post-clubbing food?
Ladies night! at the paloma on the wednesday!
any night is good enough to go out
So long as you have your Qatari ID card or your passport, you should be able to get into most places. If you don't yet have your residency permit, you won't have your ID card and so will need to take your passport to show you entered the country legally (it's a way for CID to track who goes into bars)
As for dancing, there are people better informed than I am - have friends who go to the Harp, Qube, etc. usually on Thursdays and Fridays.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
Adult beverage here is non alcoholic beer - with lemon ofcourse :O)
What with all that washing, ironing and cleaning to do?