One World, many colours

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
So Driving back home from work, I decided to stop by the Al-Sad MacDonald's food court, when I saw a bunch of children from all colors ,laughing from their core , while they played with one another in the child's corner at the restaurant.
Indian kids, African, south Asian, Caucasian, Arabs, you just name it!
I realized once again that we are born "colorblind".
Oh How I wish it could stay that way..
Scarab2 ,, It is different when you say that in QBS, cause in this case you are representing an institution, So If they let you say that, it means they share you the same opinion,,,, then it will not be just your personal opinion.
Babies tend to be shy of anyone who isn't their parents. THAT is a natural reaction. But it has nothing to do with skin color. For a young baby it would be more based on smell than sight.
I think they would care what I think if I went on QBS and said I don't like Arabs! Yes it is my opinion but can still be considered discrimnatory
MN, look up imprinting in babies and you can see how they develop. I think you must have skipped biology class....
If I say I do not like black people that is discrimination because I have no basis to make such an absolute statement.
OOhhh,,, Give them time ,, tomorrow they will grow up and you will see them fighting behind MacDonalds
Btw It is like See and then Apply for kids.
Babies and children do discriminate (I’m sorry but how can a baby whose intellect and sense of self/surroundings, hasn’t yet developed ,discriminate against anything?)
Children discriminate against those that are different to them, which includes skin colour.
Liking/disliking another child of different features/colour doesn’t= discrimination.
Sorry but you are incorrect and purity of heart is just a soundbite not scientific fact.
Babies and children do discrimanate against those that are different to them, which includes skin colour. If you think about it from an evolutionary perspective it makes sense to be able to identify your family and your tribe and be wary of strangers. In the past only your parents or immediate family will take care of you, strangers may kill you.
However parents can affect the behaviour and change it as the child grows by pointing out, yes other children do look different to you but essentially we are all the same and explaining the differences in different facets of humanity.
Couldn't agree more, both with your statements and your mom's observations!
Fatimah: Indeed, every child is born in a state of
"Purity of heart"
My mom is a teacher who works with very young kids and she thinks racism and intolerance are learned behaviors.
Children don't see colour or race.
All what they care about/understand is, (? are you a nice person)
The sad reality though is that, it really doesn't take that long to indoctrinate a child ,and make him or her to be become a potential racist
I wasn't that way as a kid(and yes I do remember very clearly my childhood and mindset back then), neither is my daughter, and judging by their behavior, nor were the kids MN witnessed having a blast at MacD's!
Sorry Fathima but that is not correct, babies and children do discriminate and this has been shown in many studies. Evolutionary wise it makes sense as well
It's children that learn from adults..
Racism is taught to the children by adults or depends on the environment .
FathimaH: Indeed, There is so much we can learn from little children! If we really take the time to stop and observe and listen to these little beings (:
Kids are by far, in their innocence and unsuspecting glory,the most nondiscriminatory and unfeigned beings, until and unless corrupted by their adults.
As grown ups sometimes we can learn a lot from children.. if nothing else watching them play is extremely therapeutic, so hope you too enjoyed yourself,MN!
Two little boys had two little toys
Each had a wooden horse
One little chap then had a mishap
Wept for his toy then cried with joy
As his young playmate said:
"Did you think I would leave you crying
When there's room on my horse for two
Climb up here Thelonius
I can go just as fast with two
Long years had passed, war came so fast
Bravely they marched away
Cannon roared loud, and in the mad crowd
Wounded and dying lay
Out from the ranks so blue
Gallops away to where Joe lay
Then came a voice he knew:
"Did you think I would leave you dying
When there's room on my horse for two
Climb up here Babu, we'll soon be flying
I can go just as fast with two
In fact studies have shown babies have inbuilt prejudices against those that are different to them.
Ur working on ql all days except fri n sat
United colors of benetton like uncle thelo said. So, where's my double cheese burger bro?
n how abt other days
when is ur time out :)
ROFL LMAO thelo ur on a roll :P
LOL thelo
Yes MN I agree, the world would be a better place.
good notice...but what has cake to do with ur posting...is this neenus cakery :)
u shldnt have gone home then, carry on playing