Don't go on the subject, as the thanking note got crushed in "Coffee Anyone" Thread, just reposting it for members who made it happen.
Thanking all who took the labour pain to deliver Coffee-worX. Hope the support continues.. from the day it starts crawling, walking and then growing... as it dint take 10 months to deliver am sure it wont take long to grow too..
Thanking to those who showed the courtesy to inform in advance as got stuck in their busy schedule and could not make it..
Finally special thanks to Pajju, CHOMOLONGMA & his Friend who gave a surprise visit.
thats one comment i was waiting for, to enhance the confidence... now am sure of making it interesting, smart and big... may be the first one could not be loud but with support from QLers like you it did happen..
~ AK ~
It was nice seeing u guys,
hope to see u soon ,
no issues.. if fate permits the answer to your PM would be "yes soon"
~ AK ~
yup AK someone called me informing that my PM is deactivated..i dont know how to modify the setting...:(
i got your pm.. but cannot reply :( i guess your pm does not allow me in...
~ AK ~
thanking in advance to all looking forward for next coffeeworX, but never heard from the first group who attended it.. :(
~ AK ~
me too..:)
i wont miss the next one....
...listen to the sound of silence....
looking forward for CoffeeworX with AnthoworX. LOL
hoping next time i can join some of your coffee gatherings...BUT I'LL COME ONLY with the great DRACULA :)
but since he no longer active in QL... i guess only in my dreams then that I can join you guys :(