Nightlife Doha vs Abu Dhabi

Hi I was recently in Abu Dhabi for 4 months, I really enjoyed my time there. Although there is little to do in the blistering heat I did enjoy my weekends out and the nightlife there.
I am now in Cairo and have disliked every minute!
I have the oportunity to come to Doha and wonder what the nightlife is like there?
How does Doha compare with Abu Dhabi?
dear frnd,
the night life in Cairo you dislike ...means nothing you will like man
cairo life is on is the best in the world
nightlife? refer to DRAKULA... he might knew what's in a NIGHTLIFE all about.... :D
Having experienced both (although Doha not since 2004)Abu Dhabi is much better for nightlife.
As long as you can get a takeaway on a Thursday night that'll do for starters. Unless all the locals book em out like in Abu Dhabi.....
NOoooooo...!!! Dont bother 2 come down yet, let de summer come in, thts when it start 2 happen. :)
Now c'mon bro, every country is different from others... i.e. if u see ur fingers itself, do u find any of them same??? (Unless & untill, u happen 2 b frm outside earth). So, stop comparing and try exploring. So, by de time u r 60+, u can sit bac and write a book or sumthing abt ur experience world wide.
Look at me, me been here since 28years, wot do i do 2 take a break, head out and make a trip. Dis year itself i have covered Turkiye, Maldives & Thailand. When de goin gets tuff, the tuff gets going.
Oh, b/w all tht blah blah... Dont expect de world when u land here. Take it easy...! Cheer'z!!!
Loads of Them. They have invaded Shereton 1st floor bar now.
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Do you have the Chinese takeaways in Doha???
It's littered with them in Abu Dhabi, but I hear they switch from there to Qatar and other Arab states to keep there visas intact.
Of course these are the Chinese tourists Er hmmmmmm brought in by locals and the organised networks???
Lets say must of the young people go there including singles. but U must be aware of something on thursdays and somedays there is a rule in Qatar Couples only, so u must go to those places before 9pm.
U will find a lot of people from all over the world, once u met one u will start to met more people. (Normal Socializing in anywhere of the world)
If am here when u arrive I will try to show u Doha.
The Venezuelan Sensation!!!
Regarding the above nice vibe to Cairo, only Egyptians say that, don't mean offense but it's one of the last places on earth I'd CHOOSE to be, maybe Qatar is streets ahead when you consider Egypt, you didn't want to stay there?
What happens in the above bars mentioned, can you give me a little info, I'm thinking of coming over to Doha for a weekend to check it out.
You mention 4 places there Mr. Ven, that's more than i have worth visiting in cairo. I like to go out and met ladies, whatever nationality, but here in Cairo I don't like it too much, yes the dirt and grime is a problem.
I hear mixed opinions about Qatar - some seem to like it. If you consider Abu Dhabi is quite big but mainly housing, there's only really tourist club area & Hamdan St, that is the main night life.
If you met the right people you will have a good night. And I don't say only Sex. I have party in Doha until 10am
But the first time I was in Doha was a hard time. just go out and met people and you will have fun in Doha.
Try to go to the Irish Harp, Rydges, and Merweb for drinks and Qube for some dancing.
Good Luck!!!
The Venezuelan Sensation!!!
I can help u out in Cairo if you want...I know it can be a bit overbearing but there is a nice vibe to it if you can get through all the grit and grime.
If you are still open to the idea why don't u tell me what you want to do in your remaining time there and I could possibly give u some suggestions...
I see it's a tiny place Qatar. All the fun is illegal but it goes on, mainly the Arabs have a network in Abu Dhabi who bring in ladies just for that, Chinese seems to be the trade now.
In Abu Dhabi it's nicknamed the "Chinese Takeaway", I suppose it's rife in Doha too as they circulate I suspect?
dont waste your time stay where you at
All the "fun" basically is illegal. It's an "Islamic" country here.
Like urself was in AD for similar time loved every minute.. Noway can you ever compare AD are Doha.. AD is like a city and Doha like a very small town or village I would say.. AD every thing within a square mile here every thing scattered and if your single in DOha now chance to get in most places ..
So the Verdict is AD any day..
Abu Dhabi's Night Life is far better than Doha. Infact Abu Dhabi's club have a real friendly atmosphere and you wanna go there again and again...even in the middle of the week.
Tequilana at Hilton is my best bet. Ahh...the puny Brit DJ used to play great mixes. I heard that they have now refurbished it and its much better.
Not one club here in Doha in the shades of it.
But I guess W Doha should be a ground breaker. Lets hope for the best.
Think Global...Act Local !
abudhabi .. love this clean green city with nice rodas , gardens & buldings
I know how it compare as am in Abu Dhabi now and i was in Doha before, Doha 0 Abu Dhabi 100
unlimited clubs in Abu Dhabi with many flavors, Doha have 3 or 4 places
the Embassy club in Emirates palace is the best here,
abu dhabi best
No comparison...Abu Dhabi nightlife much better!
I put UAE cos I couldn't arsed to write Abu Dhabi!
Even compared to AUH it's small! Hows that.
Did you Google it first?
Tonight is the party Night. clubing, pubing, dancing with beauties till wee hours in the morning :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
its Dull here mate..Dont come
-- F L A M M A B L E --
Abu Dhabi nightlife is on;y small too, how does it compare with Doha, not talking about dubai
C'mon mate! You only gave us 17 minutes!!!
There is nightlife but not on a par with UAE.
Did you Google it first?
I guess there is none???????